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CSS and HTML structural improvements (rstudio#704)
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gadenbuie authored Jun 22, 2022
1 parent 0043f22 commit 4543892
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Showing 23 changed files with 572 additions and 253 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@

- Custom CSS files are now loaded last, after all of learnr’s other web dependencies (#574).

- Footnotes now appear at the end of the section in which they appear (thanks @plukethep, #647).

## Setup Chunk Chaining

- Exercise chunks can now be “chained together” via chained setup chunks. The setup chunk of one exercise may depend on other chunks, including the setup chunks of other exercises, allowing the author to form a chain of setup code that allows interactive exercises to progressively work through a problem. These chains are defined using the `exercise.setup` chunk option; use `run_tutorial("setup_chunks", "learnr")` to run a demo tutorial (@nischalshrestha #390).
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions R/question_checkbox.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ question_ui_initialize.learnr_checkbox <- function(question, value, ...) {

inline = TRUE,
label = question$question,
choiceNames = choice_names,
choiceValues = choice_values,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -193,6 +194,7 @@ question_ui_completed.learnr_checkbox <- function(question, value, ...) {
label = question$question,
inline = TRUE,
choiceValues = choice_values,
choiceNames = choice_names_final,
selected = value
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions R/question_radio.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ question_ui_initialize.learnr_radio <- function(question, value, ...) {
label = question$question,
inline = TRUE,
choiceNames = choice_names,
choiceValues = choice_values,
selected = value %||% character(0) # avoid selecting the first item when value is NULL
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -106,6 +107,7 @@ question_ui_completed.learnr_radio <- function(question, value, ...) {
label = question$question,
inline = TRUE,
choiceValues = choice_values,
choiceNames = choice_names_final,
selected = value
Expand Down
148 changes: 106 additions & 42 deletions R/quiz.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,50 +5,70 @@

#' Tutorial quiz questions
#' Add interactive quiz questions to a tutorial.
#' Each quiz question is executed within a shiny runtime to provide more flexibility in the types of questions offered.
#' There are four default types of quiz questions:
#' @description
#' Add interactive quiz questions to a tutorial. Each quiz question is executed
#' within a shiny runtime to provide more flexibility in the types of questions
#' offered. There are four default types of quiz questions:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{learnr_radio}}{Radio button question. This question type will only allow for a single answer submission by the user. An answer must be marked for the user to submit their answer.}
#' \item{\code{learnr_checkbox}}{Check box question. This question type will allow for one or more answers to be submitted by the user. At least one answer must be marked for the user to submit their answer.}
#' \item{\code{learnr_text}}{Text box question. This question type will allow for free form text to be submitted by the user. At least one non-whitespace character must be added for the user to submit their answer.}
#' \item{\code{learnr_numeric}}{Numeric question. This question type will allow for a number to be submitted by the user. At least one number must be added for the user to submit their answer.}
#' \item{\code{learnr_radio}}{Radio button question. This question type will
#' only allow for a single answer submission by the user. An answer must be
#' marked for the user to submit their answer.}
#' \item{\code{learnr_checkbox}}{Check box question. This question type will
#' allow for one or more answers to be submitted by the user. At least one
#' answer must be marked for the user to submit their answer.}
#' \item{\code{learnr_text}}{Text box question. This question type will allow
#' for free form text to be submitted by the user. At least one non-whitespace
#' character must be added for the user to submit their answer.}
#' \item{\code{learnr_numeric}}{Numeric question. This question type will allow
#' for a number to be submitted by the user. At least one number must be added
#' for the user to submit their answer.}
#' }
#' Note, the print behavior has changed as the runtime is now Shiny based. If \code{question}s and \code{quiz}es are printed in the console, the S3 structure and information will be displayed.
#' Note, the print behavior has changed as the runtime is now Shiny based. If
#' \code{question}s and \code{quiz}es are printed in the console, the S3
#' structure and information will be displayed.
#' @seealso For more information and question type extension examples, please see the help documentation for \code{\link[learnr]{question_methods}} and view the \code{question_type} tutorial: \code{learnr::run_tutorial("question_type", "learnr")}.
#' @seealso For more information and question type extension examples, please
#' see the help documentation for [question_methods][question_ui_initialize()]
#' and view the \code{question_type} tutorial:
#' `learnr::run_tutorial("question_type", "learnr")`.
#' @param text Question or option text
#' @param ... One or more questions or answers
#' @param caption Optional quiz caption (defaults to "Quiz")
#' @param type Type of quiz question. Typically this can be automatically determined
#' based on the provided answers. Pass \code{"radio"} to indicate that even though
#' multiple correct answers are specified that inputs which include only one correct
#' answer are still correct. Pass \code{"checkbox"} to force the use of checkboxes
#' (as opposed to radio buttons) even though only once correct answer was provided.
#' @param correct For \code{question}, text to print for a correct answer (defaults
#' to "Correct!"). For \code{answer}, a boolean indicating whether this answer is
#' @param type Type of quiz question. Typically this can be automatically
#' determined based on the provided answers. Pass `"radio"` to indicate that
#' even though multiple correct answers are specified that inputs which
#' include only one correct answer are still correct. Pass `"checkbox"` to
#' force the use of checkboxes (as opposed to radio buttons) even though only
#' once correct answer was provided.
#' @param correct For `question`, text to print for a correct answer (defaults
#' to "Correct!"). For `answer`, a boolean indicating whether this answer is
#' correct.
#' @param incorrect Text to print for an incorrect answer (defaults to "Incorrect")
#' when \code{allow_retry} is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param try_again Text to print for an incorrect answer (defaults to "Incorrect")
#' when \code{allow_retry} is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param message Additional message to display along with correct/incorrect feedback.
#' This message is always displayed after a question submission.
#' @param post_message Additional message to display along with correct/incorrect feedback.
#' If \code{allow_retry} is \code{TRUE}, this message will only be displayed after the
#' correct submission. If \code{allow_retry} is \code{FALSE}, it will produce a second
#' message alongside the \code{message} message value.
#' @param loading Loading text to display as a placeholder while the question is loaded
#' @param submit_button Label for the submit button. Defaults to \code{"Submit Answer"}
#' @param try_again_button Label for the try again button. Defaults to \code{"Submit Answer"}
#' @param allow_retry Allow retry for incorrect answers. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param incorrect Text to print for an incorrect answer (defaults to
#' "Incorrect") when `allow_retry` is `FALSE`.
#' @param try_again Text to print for an incorrect answer (defaults to
#' "Incorrect") when `allow_retry` is `TRUE`.
#' @param message Additional message to display along with correct/incorrect
#' feedback. This message is always displayed after a question submission.
#' @param post_message Additional message to display along with
#' correct/incorrect feedback. If `allow_retry` is `TRUE`, this
#' message will only be displayed after the correct submission. If
#' `allow_retry` is `FALSE`, it will produce a second message
#' alongside the `message` message value.
#' @param loading Loading text to display as a placeholder while the question is
#' loaded. If not provided, generic "Loading..." or placeholder elements will
#' be displayed.
#' @param submit_button Label for the submit button. Defaults to `"Submit
#' Answer"`
#' @param try_again_button Label for the try again button. Defaults to `"Submit
#' Answer"`
#' @param allow_retry Allow retry for incorrect answers. Defaults to `FALSE`.
#' @param random_answer_order Display answers in a random order.
#' @param options Extra options to be stored in the question object.
# TODO-barret link to sortable_question when sortable is added
# ' This is useful when using custom question types.
# ' See sortable::sortable_question for an example question implementation that uses the \code{options} parameter.
#' @param options Extra options to be stored in the question object. This is
#' useful when using custom question types. See [sortable::question_rank()]
#' for an example question implementation that uses the `options` parameter.
#' @examples
#' quiz(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -117,7 +137,7 @@ question <- function(
try_again = incorrect,
message = NULL,
post_message = NULL,
loading = c("**Loading:** ", format(text), "<br/><br/><br/>"),
loading = NULL,
submit_button = rlang::missing_arg(),
try_again_button = rlang::missing_arg(),
allow_retry = FALSE,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -210,7 +230,7 @@ question <- function(
answer = NS(q_id)("answer"),
question = q_id
loading = quiz_text(loading),
loading = if (!is.null(loading)) quiz_text(loading),
random_answer_order = random_answer_order,
allow_retry = allow_retry,
# Set a seed for local testing, even though it is overwritten for each shiny session
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -238,9 +258,11 @@ quiz_text <- function(text) {
fragment.only = TRUE,
encoding = "UTF-8"
# remove leading and trailing paragraph
md <- sub("^<p>", "", md)
md <- sub("</p>\n?$", "", md)
if (length(str_match_all(md, "</p>", fixed = TRUE)) == 1) {
# remove leading and trailing paragraph
md <- sub("^<p>", "", md)
md <- sub("</p>\n?$", "", md)
else {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -352,7 +374,7 @@ question_prerendered_chunk <- function(question, ..., session = getDefaultReacti
question_module_ui <- function(id) {
ns <- NS(id)
class = "panel panel-default",
class = "panel panel-default tutorial-question-container",
"data-label" = as.character(id),
class = "tutorial-question panel-body",
Expand All @@ -369,7 +391,16 @@ question_module_server <- function(
) {

output$answer_container <- renderUI({ div(class="loading", question$loading) })
output$answer_container <- renderUI({
if (is.null(question$loading)) {
} else {

# Setup reactive here that will be updated by the question modules
question_state <- reactiveVal()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -699,11 +730,44 @@ question_messages <- function(question, messages, is_correct, is_done) {
)) {
} else {
tags$div(message_alert, always_message_alert, post_alert)
htmltools::tagList(message_alert, always_message_alert, post_alert)

question_ui_loading <- function(question) {
n_paragraphs <- max(length(str_match_all(question$question, "</p>")), 1)
paras <- lapply(seq_len(n_paragraphs), function(...) {
spans <- lapply(seq_len(sample(2:8, 1)), function(...) {
htmltools::span(class = sprintf("placeholder col-%s", sample(2:7, 1)))

q_opts <- NULL
if (question$type %in% c("learnr_radio", "learnr_checkbox")) {
q_opts <- htmltools::tags$ul(
lapply(seq_along(question$answers), function(...) {
htmltools::span(class = "placeholder col-3")

button <- htmltools::tags$a(
href = "#",
tabindex = "-1",
class = "btn btn-primary disabled placeholder col-3",
`aria-hidden` = "true"

class = "loading placeholder-glow",

Expand Down
9 changes: 4 additions & 5 deletions R/tutorial-format.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -63,6 +63,9 @@ tutorial <- function(fig_width = 6.5,
# use section divs
args <- c(args, "--section-divs")

# footnotes are scoped to the block
args <- c(args, "--reference-location=section")

# template
args <- c(args, "--template", rmarkdown::pandoc_path_arg(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -93,11 +96,6 @@ tutorial <- function(fig_width = 6.5,
args <- c(args, "--variable", paste0("ace-theme=", ace_theme))

# additional css
for (css_file in css)
args <- c(args, "--css", rmarkdown::pandoc_path_arg(css_file))

# resolve theme (ammend base stylesheet for "rstudio" theme
stylesheets <- "tutorial-format.css"
if (identical(theme, "rstudio")) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -153,6 +151,7 @@ tutorial <- function(fig_width = 6.5,
extra_dependencies = extra_dependencies,
bootstrap_compatible = TRUE,
anchor_sections = FALSE,
css = css,

Expand Down

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