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Class naming convention

These are the basic guidelines behind this project.

  • based in BEM but reinterpreted for sass and vue
  • prefixes prevent the collision with vendor styling
  • the "x" stands for xamu

Explore the docs or learn how to setup the project for development at: Setup

Older package names

  • @xamu-co/style-system
  • @xamu-co/styles

Elements & layouts:

They are the main building blocks of any design.

Root components

Elements & layouts all share a root component


.view {

Some of them will expect certain tag {

Whenever possible avoid using long names. flx will always be better than flexbox while mantaining legibility

Nested components

Elements & layouts could have nested components, to differentiate them from their parent a "-" will be used


.view-item {

Utility classes:

Each element comes tied with a set classes to alter it

.componentName.optionalUtilityType--utilityName-utilityfirstOptionalParam-utilitysecondOptionalParam {
.componentName {
	&.optionalUtilityType--utilityName {
		&-utilityfirstOptionalParam {
			&-utilitysecondOptionalParam {

This allows the duplication without collision


As the name implies these are for management of the design state and are usually called upon in a dinamyc way using js or related languages It can be "has" but we recommend using "is", These usually don't have need params{} {


These could modify the behavior of the component they are applied on


.view.--maxWidth-none {

Some modifier could be conditionated to the presence of another one

.view.--tm-light.--shadow {


While modifiers are useful they can also get to verbose. That is whe unions come handy. Combination of modifiers, shortcuts for common modifier combinations


.view.--flxAlign-center-stretch {

If both values are equal the could be merged

/** Long version */
.view.--flxAlign-center-center {

/** Short version */
.view.--flxAlign-center {


Components, but this time making use of pseudo elements (:before, :after) For the pseudos we will be using data atributes.


[data-tip] {

Modifiers & Unions:

Slightly different syntax, but don't worry the concept is mantained. Some of them are expecting an argument


[data-tip-position="top"] {


Some properties can be used across the design. Global classes are prepended with "x" They also tend to override component modifiers and unions


These modify the behavior of any element


.--maxWidth-none {

Just like the component modifiers but these work in any element Some modifier could be conditionated to the presence of another one

.--tm-light.--shadow {


Condense most common modifiers of rules that require multiple parameters


.--flxAlign-center-stretch {

As any other union but work in any element If both values are equal the could be merged

/** Long version */
.--flxAlign-center-center {

/** Short version */
.--flxAlign-center {

Responsive styles

We are following a similar approach to the tailwind framework (only for global modifiers & unions)

/** Hide if element has less than 640px of width */
.--hidden:sm {

/** Hide if element has more than 640px of width */
.--hidden:sm-inv {
  • xs: 358px, extra small, enabled in specific cases
  • sm: 576px, small, enabled in specific cases
  • md: 768px, medium
  • lg: 1080px, large, enabled in specific cases
  • xl: 1280px, extralarge