Simple Testing Utility for Prpr including dsa. Can run binaries aswell as compile from source.
- Python 3.12 <
- Gcc for for .c compilation
- Brain
No need to setup venvs or install anything with pip. Everything is std python.
Run tests from i.txt and compare with o.txt. Test ratios(how many inputs will result in how many outputs) is infered at runtime. However if this fails you can use -tr flag.
python -f yourbin
- -tr flag is used to modify test ratio e.g: -tr 1,2 will test 1 input against 2 outputs
- -t flag is used to time restrict tests e.g: -t 0.001 will timeout everything that runs longer(in ms)
- -p flag is used to test from given path e.g: -p prprtests/cv1/u5 will be used for tests
- -c flag is to compile and run tests on compiled bin e.g: -c test.c will compile and run tests with compiled binary
python -f 7.c -c -p ./prprtests/cv1/u7 -tr 1,2
This will take file 7.c compile it and use tests from specified directory. One input should return 2 outputs hence the test ratio 1,2.
python -7.c -c -p ./prprtests/cv1/u7
Same as first example, except the -tr flag. Tester will automatically infer that 1 input will result in 2 outputs.