C++ primitive data type wrapper
- Comparsion chaining
- STL support for
- Member casting functions such as
, ... - Types are more restrictive than primitives in ISO C++, i.e.
i64_t var = ui64_t(0)
will error
#include "primitive.h"
using namespace primitive;
using namespace primitive::literals;
template <class T>
struct Point
T x, y;
template <class T>
struct Size
T width, height;
int main()
Size<i64_t> window{640_i64, 480_i64};
Point<i64_t> pixel{100_i64, 100_i64};
// Check if point is inbetween the window, if so, print the points location
if (0_i64 < pixel.x < window.width && 0_i64 < pixel.y < window.height)
auto x = pixel.x.to<d_t>().to_s();
std::cout << "pixel.x=" << x << " pixel.y=" << pixel.y << std::endl;
Just copy the header into your project.