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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation

CloudFront (Your Own CDN)

  • Host your static assets on Github and deploy to cloud
  • Use file checksum to detect changes
[Compiling] Version 1
[Found] 2 entries
-[DEL] icon-waterloo.png -> 840718cf5d750b818154b5568586eae1
[Old] icon-facebook.png -> 708018bebb8b7ed725e967023b1468b8
+[New] temp.txt -> d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
[Saving JSON] /Users/johnson/cloudfront/v1.json
  • All files has cache control set to a max age of 1 year, so that browser can take advantage of caching and improve website performance
  • Simply place your files in v1/, then run ./


heroku git:remote -a your_app_name