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Main Server

This is a public Node.js Express server that hosts the API and website. It does all the client-facing non-VPN functionality like creating accounts, managing subscriptions, and hosting client certificates.


  • Run the Main CloudFormation and all its prerequisites
  • Initialize the database with Admin Server
  • Creating and setting a CURRENT_SOURCE_ID with Admin Server


Requires Authentication calls, require a session cookie from the POST /signin endpoint, which takes either email/password or IAP receipt. If you sign in with a new IAP receipt, a user will be created if that receipt has not been used before.

If a session cookie expires or server returns 401, request a new cookie with /signin.

Sign In With Email/Password


POST /signin
Name Type Description
email string Required User email.
password string Required User password.


Set-Cookie: <Cookie with Expiration Time>

Sign In With IAP Receipt

If you sign in with a new IAP receipt, a user will be created if that receipt has not been used before.


POST /signin
Name Type Description
authtype string Required Must be either ios or android.
authreceipt string Required Base64 encoded IAP receipt.
partner string Partner campaign for affiliate referrals. Format is [Partner Code]-[Campaign ID], e.g, acme-1. Partner code and campaign ID should both be lowercase. If no campaign ID is provided, campaign will show up as (no campaign).


Set-Cookie: <Cookie with Expiration Time>

Log Out (Delete Session)


GET /logout


Redirects to /signin


IAP Signup

Doing a POST /signin with IAP receipt will automatically create a user. An IAP-Signup User is automatically assigned a certificate with source ID CURRENT_SOURCE_ID.

Email Signup - Web


GET /signup
Name Type Description
refer string Referral code.

Email Signup


POST /signup
Name Type Description
email string Required Email to use to create the user.
password string Required User password. Minimum 8 characters, maximum 50 characters.
browser boolean Whether or not this request is made from a browser, instead of an API call. If true, after confirming email, user will be redirected to /signin. If false, confirming email will open tunnels://emailconfirmed to complete signup. Defaults to false.
refer string Referral code.


Sends a confirmation email to the user to verify they own the email, with a link to /confirm-email.

If browser == true

Redirect to /signup-success

If browser == false

	code: 1,
	message: "Email Confirmation Sent"

Email Signup Success - Web

Asks user to check their email for a confirmation link.


GET /signup-success

Confirm Email

A user that confirmes their email is assigned a certificate with source ID CURRENT_SOURCE_ID.


GET /confirm-email
Name Type Description
email string Required Email to confirm.
code string Required Code that confirms a user is the owner of an email address to complete email signup.
browser boolean Whether or not /signup was done by browser or API. If true, redirects to /signin. If false, opens tunnels://emailconfirmed. Defaults to false.


Redirect to either /account or tunnels://emailconfirmed

Resend Confirmation Email - Web


GET /resend-confirm-code

Resend Confirmation Email


POST /resend-confirm-code
Name Type Description
email string Required Email to resend confirmation code to.


Redirect to /signin

Add Email/Password to IAP-Created User


Authentication Required

POST /convert-shadow-user
Name Type Description
newemail string Required Email to add to this user.
newpassword string Required Password to add to this user.


Sends a confirmation email to the user to verify they own the email, with a link to /confirm-email.

	code: 1,
	message: "Email Confirmation Sent"

Download App

Webpage With Links to Apps


GET /clients

Download Mac App


GET /download-mac-app


Redirects to download the Mac app. If multiple versions are being distributed, the version that this redirects to will be selected randomly at percentages configured by the Admin Dashboard.

Download Mac Update


GET /download-mac-update


Redirects to download the Mac update file. If multiple versions are being distributed, the version that this redirects to will be selected randomly at percentages configured by the Admin Dashboard.

Download Windows App


GET /download-mac-app


Redirects to download the Windows app. If multiple versions are being distributed, the version that this redirects to will be selected randomly at percentages configured by the Admin Dashboard.

Download Windows Update


GET /download-windows-update


Redirects to download the Windows update file. If multiple versions are being distributed, the version that this redirects to will be selected randomly at percentages configured by the Admin Dashboard.

Get User Certificate/Key


Authentication Required

POST /get-key
Name Type Description
platform string Required Must be ios, android, windows, or mac


	id: <User ID>,
	b64: Base64 encoded client certificate

Account Management

Account - Web


Authentication Required

GET /account

Change Email - Web


Authentication Required

Returns CSRF Token

GET /change-email

Change Email


Authentication Required

CSRF Token Required

POST /change-email
Name Type Description
_csrf string Required CSRF Token from GET /change-email
currentPassword string Required User's current password.
newEmail string Required User's new email.


Redirect to /account
Sends email to confirm

Change Password - Web


Authentication Required

Returns CSRF Token

GET /change-password

Change Password


Authentication Required

CSRF Token Required

POST /change-password
Name Type Description
_csrf string Required CSRF Token from GET /change-password
currentPassword string Required User's current password.
newPassword string Required User's new password. Must be minimum 8 characters long, maximum 50 characters long.


Redirect to /account

Invoice History - Web


Authentication Required

GET /invoices

Get Invoice - Web


Authentication Required

GET /invoices
Name Type Description
id string Required The ID of the invoice.

Payment Methods - Web


Authentication Required

GET /payment-methods

New Payment Method - Web


Authentication Required

GET /add-new-card

New Payment Method


Authentication Required

POST /add-new-card
Name Type Description
source string Required Source ID returned from Stripe after user submits their card information.


Redirect to /payment-methods

Set Default Payment Method


Authentication Required

POST /set-default-card
Name Type Description
cardId string Required Stripe cardID for the payment method to set as default.


	message: "New default set successfully"

Delete Payment Method


Authentication Required

POST /delete-card
Name Type Description
cardId string Required Stripe cardID for the payment method to delete.


	message: "Card deleted successfully"

Email Opt Out - Web

Links to opt out of email are automatically generated on every email sent to users, and placed at the bottom of every email. Authentication is not required to opt-out of emails, because someone may receive


GET /do-not-email
Name Type Description
email string Required Email to opt-out.
code string Required Code for opting out of emails.

Email Opt Out


POST /do-not-email
Name Type Description
email string Required Email to opt-out.
code string Required Code for opting out of emails.


Redirect to /sign-in with success message

Reset Password

Request Reset Password - Web


GET /forgot-password

Request Reset Password


POST /forgot-password
Name Type Description
email string Required User's email to send reset password request to.


Sends a password request email if it exists.

Redirect to /signin

Reset Password - Web


GET /reset-password
Name Type Description
code string Required A reset password code that was generated for one-time use and sent to the user via email.

Reset Password


POST /reset-password
Name Type Description
code string Required A reset password code that was generated for one-time use and sent to the user via email.
newPassword string Required The new password for the user. Minimum 8 characters, maximum 50 characters.


Redirect to /signin

Subscription Management

Get Subscriptions


Authentication Required

POST /subscriptions


	    "planType": "all-monthly",
	    "receiptId": "GPA.3353-4716-1949-52255",
	    "expirationDate": "2018-03-10T07:14:06.065Z",
	    "expirationDateString": "March 10, 2018",
	    "expirationDateMs": 1520666046.065,
	    "cancellationDate": null,
	    "cancellationDateString": null,
	    "cancellationDateMs": null,
	    "userId": "a25b8f5640106f9e9a4990e592a3dc4e",
	    "receiptType": "android",
	    "inTrial": false,
	    "renewEnabled": true

Get Active Subscriptions


Authentication Required

POST /active-subscriptions


	    "planType": "all-monthly",
	    "receiptId": "GPA.3353-4716-1949-52255",
	    "expirationDate": "2018-03-10T07:14:06.065Z",
	    "expirationDateString": "March 10, 2018",
	    "expirationDateMs": 1520666046.065,
	    "cancellationDate": null,
	    "cancellationDateString": null,
	    "cancellationDateMs": null,
	    "userId": "a25b8f5640106f9e9a4990e592a3dc4e",
	    "receiptType": "android",
	    "inTrial": false,
	    "renewEnabled": true

New Pro Subscription - Web

This is used by both browser and Mac/PC clients in a webview to create a new Pro subscription via Stripe. Creating subscriptions on iOS/Android clients don't use this because that's handled by iTunes and Google Play.


Authentication Required

GET /new-subscription
Name Type Description
upgrade string Can be ios/android-monthly, ios/android-annual, or not specified. If user is upgrading from an ios or android only plan, redirect them to instructions on how to cancel their iOS/Android subscription after they complete this new subscription signup. No default value.
browser boolean Shows top logo and navigation bar if true. Mac/PC clients using a webview should use false. Defaults to false.
plan string The plan to subscribe to. Can be all-monthly or all-annual. Defaults to all-monthly.
locale string Locale of user's machine, used for displaying expected currency to pay in, and recorded to Stripe as per legal requirements. User is not guaranteed to pay in this currency - actual payment currency will be based on the country of the credit card. Defaults to en-US.
source string Used for Stripe's 3D Secure verification
client_secret string Used for Stripe's 3D Secure verification


If user already has an active Pro subscription

Redirect to /account with "You already have a Pro subscription"

If user doesn't have an active Pro subscription

Render new subscription page using locale and existing payment methods, if any.

New Pro Subscription


Authentication Required

POST /new-subscription
Name Type Description
source string Required Source ID of a payment method either created by the frontend, or existing on the Stripe customer.
is3ds boolean Whether or not the source is a newly created 3D Secure payment method. If it is, then a trial is not allowed. Also, we create a charge instead of invoice for the first month/year, then create a subscription plan with that duration as the "trial". Defaults to `false'.
trial boolean Required Whether or not to request a trial period. If a user has already had a previous subscription, the server will return an error if another trial is requested.
plan string Required The plan to subscribe to. Can be all-monthly or all-annual.
upgrade string Can be ios/android-monthly, ios/android-annual, or not specified. If user is upgrading from an ios or android only plan, redirect them to instructions on how to cancel their iOS/Android subscription after they complete this new subscription signup. No default.
browser boolean If true, success redirects to /clients. If false, success redirects to tunnels://stripesuccess. Defaults to false.


If upgrade specified

Redirect to /account with message:
Be sure to cancel your iOS/Android-only subscription with Apple iTunes/Google Play

Else if browser == true

Redirect to /clients


Redirect to tunnels://stripesuccess

Cancel Subscription - Web


Authentication Required

GET /cancel-subscription
Name Type Description
receiptId string Required Receipt ID of the subscription to cancel.
receiptType string Required Receipt type of the subscription to cancel. Can be android, ios, or stripe.


If receiptType == ios/android

Redirect to /account with message:
Subscriptions made through the iOS/Android app must be cancelled through Apple/Google Play


Render cancel-subscription view with receiptId

Cancel Pro Subscription


Authentication Required

POST /cancel-subscription
Name Type Description
receiptId string Required Receipt ID of the Pro subscription to cancel.
reason string The reason a user is cancelling their subscription.


Redirect to /account.

Diagnostic/Other APIs

Test Error Logging


GET /error-test

Health Check


GET /health


Status 200
	message: "OK from www." + DOMAIN

Get Current IP


GET /ip


Status 200

Speed Test Bucket


GET /download-speed-test


Speed test files will be accessible by the following format, which allows for faster transfers: https://<bucket><filename>

Status 200
	bucket: confirmedvpn-speedtest-bucket

Error Responses

Responses with status code 500 will show Unknown Error to user/client and will alert you by email at admin@[domain] or team@[domain].

2XX - Success with Message
4XX - Client Error
429 - Too Many Requests
5XX - Server Error

Response Format

JSON response with code (see Error Codes) and message. 500 status code errors are server errors which aren't exposed to the client and show a code of -1.

	code: 2, 
	message: "Some error message, like Password Too Short"

Too Many Requests

If a client calls an API too frequently, the server will respond with status code 429 and a JSON body of:

	code: 999,
	message: "Too many requests in this time frame.",
	nextValidRequestDate: [Date of next valid request],
	nextValidRequestDateHuman: [Human readable date of next valid request]

Error Reference

Status Code Error Code Message
500 -1 Internal server error
200 1 Email not confirmed
200 6 No active subscriptions
200 62 Renewer - Invalid purchase token
200 995 Renewer - Apple iTunes non-retryable error
401 2 Incorrect Login, Session Expired/Invalid, or No Such User
400 3 Request field validation error (e.g, Password too short, etc)
400 5 Missing receipt in receipt request
400 9 Invalid iOS IAP receipt
400 10 Error on response from Apple for receipt verification
400 11 Invalid IAP receipt type
400 18 No such confirmation code
400 26 Error getting subscription - no such subscription
400 29 Already had a trial, not allowing another
400 31 Error deleting user
400 38 Request Mac/Windows but no Pro subscription
400 40 Email already registered
400 48 Cannot convert shadow user that already has a confirmed email
400 49 Unrecognized product ID from iOS IAP receipt
400 51 Requested Android but no Android/Pro subscription
400 52 Requested iOS but no iOS/Pro subscription
400 57 Can't use iOS/Android test suite receipt outside of test suite
400 59 No such email
400 60 Email already confirmed
400 63 Android receipt does not match its signature
400 64 Android purchase failed on client side with Response code
400 65 Unable to decode Android base64 receipt sent from client
400 66 Missing field in android receipt
400 67 Android payment not received - still pending
400 68 Invalid android productId
400 69 OrderId in client receipt and Google verified receipt do not match
400 77 Error setting new user password: Invalid reset code
400 81 Can't delete default payment method
400 82 Can't delete last payment method
400 89 Wrong email or code for email opt-out
400 99 Admin - source ID already exists, choose new one
400 108 Error adding payment method card
400 109 Error setting default payment method card
400 110 Can't change email on a user that doesn't have a confirmed email
400 125 Referral code doesn't exist
429 999 Too many requests


If you have any questions, concerns, or other feedback, please let us know any feedback in Github issues or by e-mail.

We also have a bug bounty program -- please email [email protected] for details.


This project is licensed under the GPL License - see the file for details


[email protected]


No description, website, or topics provided.







No releases published


No packages published


  • JavaScript 52.4%
  • Handlebars 45.8%
  • CSS 1.5%
  • Shell 0.3%