A simple, in-development async wrapper for the osu! API v2
The latest release version can be found at GitHub releases or at Maven repository.
Note: As of current, only Java version 1.8 is supported
Note that this project is still in development, so it will be expected that some of the features may not work as intended.
To import using Maven:
The methods for accessing the API are provided by the endpoints
field in the class OsuApiClient
. When creating an instance, you must first create an instance of
or AuthorizationCodeGrant
. To initialize ClientCredentialsGrant
, provide your client ID and client secret, both found in your osu! settings. To initialize AuthorizationCodeGrant
, provide your client ID, client secret, and your redirectUri used for and code recieved from
the authorization request endpoint, detailed in the osu! API v2 documentation.
The following is an example on how to authorize your client through Client Credentials Grant and use said client to request information on a beatmapset.
// Create an instance of ClientCredentialsGrant
ClientCredentialsGrant grant = new ClientCredentialsGrant(clientId, clientSecret);
// Create an instance of OsuApiClient
OsuApiClient client = new OsuApiClient(grant);
// Optional check on current authorization status. If not already authorized,
// this method will authorize the client through the given authorization grant.
// Get Sotarks' Harumachi Clover, wrapped in a future. (Async)
Future<BeatmapSetExtended> futureSet = client.endpoints.getBeatmapSet(842412);
// Or, immediately get a BeatmapSetExtended object. (Blocking)
BeatmapSetExtended set = client.endpoints.getBeatmapSet(842412).get();
Thanks for your interest in contributing to Jospi! Please see the Contribution Guidelines for information on how to contribute to the project. This includes creating issues, submitting pull requests, and setting up your development environment.
Currently, I'm ahead of minisbett in feature implementation
Beatmap Packs (100% 2/2)
[✓] /beatmaps/packs
[✓] /beatmaps/packs/{tag}
Beatmaps (100% 7/7)
[✓] /beatmaps
[✓] /beatmaps/lookup
[✓] /beatmaps/{beatmap}
[✓] /beatmaps/{beatmap}/attributes
[✓] /beatmaps/{beatmap}/scores
[✓] /beatmaps/{beatmap}/scores/users/{user}
[✓] /beatmaps/{beatmap}/scores/users/{user}/all
Beatmap Sets (100% 2/2)
[✓] /beatmapsets/lookup
[✓] /beatmapsets/{beatmapset}
Changelogs (100% 3/3)
[✓] /changelog
[✓] /changelog/{buildOrStream}
[✓] /changelog/{stream}/{build}
Comments (100% 2/2)
[✓] /comments
[✓] /comments/{comment}
Events (100% 1/1)
[✓] /events
Home (100% 1/1)
[✓] /search
Matches (100% 2/2)
[✓] /matches
[✓] /matches/{match}
Multiplayer (100% 2/2)
[✓] /rooms/{room}/playlist/{playlist}/scores
[✓] /rooms
News (100% 2/2)
[✓] /news
[✓] /news/{news}
Ranking (100% 3/3)
[✓] /rankings/kudosu
[✓] /rankings/{mode}/{type}
[✓] /spotlights
Users (100% 6/6)
[✓] /users
[✓] /users/{user}/{mode?}
[✓] /users/{user}/kudosu
[✓] /users/{user}/scores/{type}
[✓] /users/{user}/beatmapsets/{type}
[✓] /users/{user}/recent_activity
Wiki (100% 1/1)
[✓] /wiki/{locale}/{path}
Undocumented (0% 0/?)
To be added
Jospi is licensed under the GNU GPL v3.0 License. Jospi uses libraries: