└─$ whoami
Following my computer science studies, I went on to study cybersecurity at an engineering school.
At the beginning of my M1, I discovered pentesting through TryHackMe and I loved it.
Then I did some CTF and kept learning more and more about pentesting.
At some point, I took a course on pentesting in Active Directory environment and I fell in love with AD pentesting that day.
I did some internships to strengthen my knowledge in this field.
I finally graduated as class valedictorian with an engineering degree specialising in cybersecurity!
- 🎮 I do play video games between hacking sessions
- 🎌 I'm practicing on real life CTF, TryHackMe and HTB
- 🖥 I loooove AD pentesting (in case you haven't noticed)
- 🎌 I'm a CTF developer for the international CTF HackDay
If you want to have technical or professionnal discussion, feel free to add me on discord: wwwGeneral#0257 or on Twitter @wwwGeneralFR
- 👾 Let's start my journey in offsec world:
- HTB Offshore Prolab
- Becoming a professional pentester
- Teaching Active Directory pentesting
- 👾 Trying to get certified:
- Zephyr HTB Pro Lab
- RastaLabs HTB Pro Lab
👽 Get even more certifications:
💥 Finish more Prolabs from HackTheBox:
- RastaLabs
- Cybernetics
- APTProlabs