R-scripts (v4.3.1) For the analysis of deidentified data from a survey regarding usage technical applications within a healthcare organisation.
The data is not provided but the csv file structure utlised is:
- id = col_double() the identifier of the person of submitting (to allow alias association should the originator need to be contacted
- svc = col_character(), "Service" e.g. Peadiatrics, Emergency Medicine; Community Services;
- rgn = col_character(), "Region" e.g. North, South, East, N, SSE...
- ocp = col_character(), "Occupation" e.g. Nurse, Doctor, Adninistration...
= col_double(),TAL-S-<NNN>
= col_double()
Seperate Alias (private, location specific) files for:
- Id to PII (for responder resolution)
- Technology Titles (Human Readable, e.g. TAL-S-001 = "Local PAS System A")