A Mavlink message parser for the Telestion backend.
First, add the extension package registry to your gradle repositories:
repositories {
maven {
name = "GitHubMavlink"
url = uri("https://maven.pkg.github.com/wuespace/telestion-extension-mavlink/")
credentials {
username = System.getenv("GITHUB_ACTOR") == null ? GITHUB_ACTOR : System.getenv("GITHUB_ACTOR")
password = System.getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN") == null ? GITHUB_TOKEN : System.getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN")
Next, add the extension to the project dependency list:
dependencies {
// ...
implementation 'de.wuespace.telestion.extension:mavlink:0.4.0'
// ...
And synchronize gradle.
The extension provides different verticles, that you can use and set up in your project config.json
You will need:
The Mavlink Validator
verticles for Mavlink v1
and Mavlink v2
validate the incoming encoded mavlink message
and sends it to the parser on a valid mavlink message.
Additionally, all encoded messages can be sent to the Mavlink Logger
, if set up,
which stores the encoded or raw version in the preconfigured data file.
A Mavlink v2 Validator
configuration could look like:
"org.telestion.configuration": {
"app_name": "Basic Example",
"verticles": [
"name": "Mavlink v2 Validator",
"verticle": "de.wuespace.telestion.extension.mavlink.ValidatorMavlink2",
"magnitude": 1,
"config": {
"inAddress": "nice-serial",
"packetOutAddress": "mavlink-raw-logger",
"parserInAddress": "mavlink-payload-parser-in",
"password": "AQ=="
The mavlink message is received from the nice-serial
channel, validated
and logged to the Mavlink Raw Logger
If the mavlink is valid, the validated message and metadata are sent to the Payload Parser
The configuration of the Payload Parser
could look like:
"org.telestion.configuration": {
"app_name": "Basic Example",
"verticles": [
"name": "Payload Parser",
"verticle": "de.wuespace.telestion.extension.mavlink.PayloadParser",
"magnitude": 1,
"config": {
"inAddress": "mavlink-payload-parser-in",
"outAddress": "parsed-payload"
This verticle parses the encoded mavlink message incoming from the mavlink-payload-parser-in
and the parsed output are sent onto parsed-payload
channel to other verticles.
It can only parse the encoded message to registered mavlink messages.
This is done with the Mavlink Message Registrar
This could look like:
"org.telestion.configuration": {
"app_name": "Basic Example",
"verticles": [
"name": "Mavlink Message Registrar",
"verticle": "de.wuespace.telestion.project.daedalus2.mavlink.MavlinkRegistrar",
"magnitude": 1,
"config": {
"classNames": [
This verticle registers the de.wuespace.telestion.project.daedalus2.mavlink.SeedSystemT
mavlink messages to the Payload Parser
To store all received encoded Mavlink messages, you can use the Mavlink Logger
For example:
"org.telestion.configuration": {
"app_name": "Basic Example",
"verticles": [
"name": "MavLink Logger",
"verticle": "de.wuespace.telestion.extension.mavlink.logger.RawLogger",
"magnitude": 1,
"config": {
"inAddress": "mavlink-raw-logger",
"filePath": "data/mavlink-logger/"
It receives the encoded messages from the Mavlink Validator
and stores it in time-tagged files in the predefined path. (here data/mavlink-logger/
To generate the Mavlink messages from the Mavlink xml definitions,
you can use the xml2mav.py
python script.
It takes one or more definition files and outputs valid Java classes
which you can import and them directly in your project.
For example:
python xml2mav.py -f my-definition.xml -o messages
For the documentation on contributing to this repository, please take a look at the Contributing Guidelines.
This is part of Telestion, a project by WüSpace e.V..