Sample: 1994-2020
Frequency: annual
Coverage: publicly traded firms in the U.S.
- attn_firmlevel.csv
- attn_firmlevel.dta
Firm-level attention data from Firm Inattention and the Efficacy of Monetary Policy: A Text-Based Approach by Wenting Song and Samuel Stern.
This paper provides empirical evidence of the importance of firm attention to macroeconomic dynamics. We construct a text-based measure of attention to macroeconomic news and document that attention is polarized across firms and countercyclical. Differences in attention lead to asymmetric responses to monetary policy: expansionary monetary shocks raise market values of attentive firms more than those of inattentive firms, and contractionary shocks lower values of attentive firms by less. Attention also mitigates the effects of macroeconomic uncertainty on firm performance. In a quantitative rational inattention model that is calibrated with this new text-based measure, inattention drives monetary non-neutrality. As average attention varies over the business cycle, so does the efficacy of monetary policy.
For details on variable construction, refer to the main text of the paper.
The main attention variables are
): firm attention to macroeconomic news measured based on the full texts of its annual report. -
Data is provided in csv and dta formats, each containing the following variables:
Variable name Description accession_number
Accession number cik
SEC's CIK number name
Firm name filing_type
SEC filing type sic
SIC industry code filingdate
Filing date conformdate
Conform date fyear
Fiscal year d_<sec_section>_<macro_topic>
Prevalence attention measure for <macro_topic> in <sec_section> s_<sec_section>_<macro_topic>
Intensity attention measure for <macro_topic> in <sec_section> len_total_raw
Word count len_total
Word count excl. stop words len_unique_raw
Unique words len_unique
Unique words excl. stop words jaccard
Jaccard score -
Details for
Variable name Description general
Attention to general macroeconomic news gdp
Attention to output news employment
Attention to employment news consumption
Attention to consumptions news inflation
Attention to inflation news investment
Attention to investment news housing
Attention to housing news oil
Attention to oil news forex
Attention to foreign exchange news -
Details for
Variable name Description tot
Attention in the entire annual report (baseline measure) ops
Attention in operations-related sections (Items 1 and 7) rsk
Attention in risk-related sections (Items 1A and 7A) data
Attention in data-disclosure sections (Items 6, 8, 9, and 15)