This is a simple HTTP client for C++. It wraps libcurl for HTTP requests and meant to be a portable and easy-to-use API to perform HTTP related operations.
Compilation has been tested with:
- GCC 5.4.0 (GNU/Linux Ubuntu 16.04 LTS)
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 (Windows 10)
Underlying libraries:
Create an object and provide to its constructor a callable object (for log printing) having this signature :
void(const std::string&)
Later, you can disable log printing by avoiding the flag CHTTPClient::SettingsFlag::ENABLE_LOG when initializing a session.
#include "HTTPClient.h"
CHTTPClient HTTPClient([](const std::string&){ std::cout << strLogMsg << std::endl; });
If you want to send requests to an HTTPS server, you must provide a certificate authority (CA) file. You can download one from : and set it's local path, once for all, before sending HTTPS requests :
Before performing one or more requests, a session must be initialized. If the URI provided in the methods below is not prefixed with the protocol scheme (http:// or https://), you have to set the first parameter of InitSession to true to enable HTTPS, as by default, this parameter is set to false. You can also choose to disable log printing by setting the second parameter to a proper value.
/* HTTPS disabled if the protocol scheme is not mentionned in the URIs
* Log printing, peer and host verification are enabled for HTTPS URIs are enabled by default */
To download a file :
long lResultHTTPCode = 0;
HTTPClient.DownloadFile("test.pem", "", lHTTPSCode);
/* lResultHTTPCode should be equal to 200 if the request is successfully processed */
To upload a file via a POST Form :
long lResultHTTPCode = 0;
/* Filling information about the form in a PostFormInfo object */
CHTTPClient::PostFormInfo UploadInfo;
/* "submitted" is the name of the "file" input and "myfile.txt" is the location
of the file to submit.
<input type="file" name="submitted">
UploadInfo.AddFormFile("submitted", "myfile.txt");
/* In some rare cases, some fields related to the form can be filled with
AddFormContent(), the 1st argument is the name of the input element and
the 2nd argument is the value assigned to it.
<input type="text" name="filename" value=""/>
UploadInfo.AddFormContent("filename", "myfile.cpp");
/* The details of the upload of the dummy test file can be found under[year]/[month]/[day]/restclientcpptests/ */
/* lResultHTTPCode should be equal to 200 if the request is successfully processed */
To send a GET request to a web page and save its content in a string:
std::string strWebPage;
long lWebPageCode = 0;
HTTPClient.GetText("", strWebPage, lWebPageCode);
/* lWebPageCode should be equal to 200 if the request is successfully executed */
There's also REST methods modeled after the most common HTTP commands:
CHTTPClient::HeadersMap RequestHeaders;
CHTTPClient::HttpResponse ServerResponse;
// HEAD request
pRESTClient->Head("", RequestHeaders, ServerResponse);
// GET request
pRESTClient->Get("", RequestHeaders, ServerResponse);
// POST request
std::string strPostData = "data";
RequestHeaders.emplace("Content-Type", "text/text");
pRESTClient->Post("", RequestHeaders, strPostData, ServerResponse);
// PUT request
std::string strPutData = "data";
RequestHeaders.emplace("Content-Type", "text/text");
// 1. with a string
pRESTClient->Put("", RequestHeaders, strPutData, ServerResponse);
// 2. with a vector of char
CHTTPClient::ByteBuffer Buffer; // or std::vector<char>
pRESTClient->Put("", RequestHeaders, Buffer, ServerResponse)
// DELETE request
pRESTClient->Del("", RequestHeaders, ServerResponse);
// Server's response
ServerResponse.iCode; // response's code
ServerResponse.mapHeaders; // response's headers
ServerResponse.strBody; // response's body
You can also set parameters such as the time out (in seconds), the HTTP proxy server etc... before sending your request.
Always check that all the methods above return true, otherwise, that means that the request wasn't properly executed.
Finally cleanup can be done automatically if the object goes out of scope. If the log printing is enabled, a warning message will be printed. Or you can cleanup manually by calling CleanupSession() :
After cleaning the session, if you want to reuse the object, you need to re-initialize it with the proper method.
A pointer to a callback progress meter function or a callable object (lambda, functor etc...), which should match the prototype shown below, can be passed.
int ProgCallback(void* ptr, double dTotalToDownload, double dNowDownloaded, double dTotalToUpload, double dNowUploaded);
This function gets called by libcurl instead of its internal equivalent with a frequent interval. While data is being transferred it will be called very frequently, and during slow periods like when nothing is being transferred it can slow down to about one call per second.
Returning a non-zero value from this callback will cause libcurl to abort the transfer.
The unit test "TestDownloadFile" demonstrates how to use a progress function to display a progress bar on console when downloading a file.
A mutex is used to increment/decrement atomically the count of CHTTPClient objects.
is called when the count of CHTTPClient objects equals to zero (when instanciating the first object).
is called when the count of CHTTPClient objects become zero (when all CHTTPClient objects are destroyed).
Do not share CHTTPClient objects across threads as this would mean accessing libcurl handles from multiple threads at the same time which is not allowed.
The method SetNoSignal can be used to skip all signal handling. This is important in multi-threaded applications as DNS resolution timeouts use signals. The signal handlers quite readily get executed on other threads.
An HTTP Proxy can be set to use for the upcoming request.
To specify a port number, append :[port] to the end of the host name. If not specified, libcurl
will default to using port 1080 for proxies. The proxy string may be prefixed with http://
or https://
. If no HTTP(S) scheme is specified, the address provided to libcurl
will be prefixed with http://
to specify an HTTP proxy. A proxy host string can embed user + password.
The operation will be tunneled through the proxy as curl option CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL
is enabled by default.
A numerical IPv6 address must be written within [brackets].
// set HTTP proxy address
/* the following request will be tunneled through the proxy */
std::string strWebPage;
long lWebPageCode = 0;
HTTPClient.GetText("", strWebPage, lWebPageCode);
/* lWebPageCode should be equal to 200 if the request is successfully executed */
You will need CMake to generate a makefile for the static library or to build the tests/code coverage program.
Also make sure you have libcurl and Google Test installed.
You can follow this script to install libcurl.
This tutorial will help you installing properly Google Test on Ubuntu:
The CMake script located in the tree will produce a makefile for the creation of a static library, whereas the one under TestHTTP will produce the unit tests program.
To create a debug static library, change directory to the one containing the first CMakeLists.txt
To create a release static library, just change "Debug" by "Release".
The library will be found under lib/[BUILD_TYPE]/libHTTPClient.a
For the unit tests program, first build the static library and use the same build type when building it :
cd TestHTTP/
cmake . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug # or Release
To run it, you must indicate the path of the INI conf file (see the section below)
./bin/[BUILD_TYPE]/test_httpclient /path_to_your_ini_file/conf.ini
simpleini is used to gather unit tests parameters from an INI configuration file. You need to fill that file with some parameters. You can also disable some tests (HTTP proxy for instance) and indicate parameters only for the enabled tests. A template of the INI file already exists under TestHTTP/
Example : (Proxy tests are enbaled)
You can also generate an XML file of test results by adding this argument when calling the test program
./bin/[BUILD_TYPE]/test_httpclient /path_to_your_ini_file/conf.ini --gtest_output="xml:./TestHTTP.xml"
Visual Leak Detector has been used to check memory leaks with the Windows build (Visual Sutdio 2015) You can download it here:
To perform a leak check with the Linux build, you can do so :
valgrind --leak-check=full ./bin/Debug/test_httpclient /path_to_ini_file/conf.ini
The code coverage build doesn't use the static library but compiles and uses directly the HTTPClient-C++ API in the test program.
First of all, in TestHTTP/CMakeLists.txt, find and repalce :
by the location of your ini file and launch the code coverage :
cd TestHTTP/
cmake . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Coverage
make coverage_httpclient
If everything is OK, the results will be found under ./TestHTTP/coverage/index.html
Under Visual Studio, you can simply use OpenCppCoverage (
The C++ code of the HTTPClient class is 100% Cppcheck compliant.
All contributions are highly appreciated. This includes updating documentation, writing code and unit tests to increase code coverage and enhance tools.
Try to preserve the existing coding style (Hungarian notation, indentation etc...).
If you compile the test program with the preprocessor macro DEBUG_CURL, to enable curl debug informations, the static library used must also be compiled with that macro. Don't forget to mention a path where to store log files in the INI file if you want to use that feature in the unit test program (curl_logs_folder under [local])