A Jmeter Script based testing client. This tool is a Jmeter test wrapper and it will run multiple Jmeter files and generate reports out from them.
- Need Java 1.7 or above.
- Need Jmeter installed in your system
Please Refer the wiki section for instructions on adding new Jmeter based tests.
- Clone the Client
- Configure the required application properties in resources/configs/application.properties e.g: Set the Jmeter Home variable etc.
- Set test related properties in resources/configs/server.properties
- Execute the Script.
You can parse Product name and product version properties when executing the script
eg: ./run.sh -p ESB -v 4.9.0
Above will execute all the scripts which are located in test-suites/ESB/4.9.0
To run a single script: Find scripts through
eg: ./run list ESB 4.9.0
running a single script
eg: ./run.sh -p ESB -v 4.9.0 -s Address_Endpoint
If you execute the script without parsing any parameters as shown below. It will execute all the scrits included in the testscripts/scripts directory.
Following logs and reports will be Created after executing the tool.
- Application Logs
- Test Result Logs
- Jmeter Logs
- HTML Report
The tool was tested in the following environments. If there are any issues regarding the tool please report them in https://github.com/wso2-incubator/qa-tooling-smoketester/issues
- Ubuntu 14.04
- Fedora 23