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Clinic App

This repository holds the source code for the frontend and backend of a clinic application that allows user to check a clinic's consultation records.


To use the app,

  1. clone the repository to a local folder
  2. move to the TestServer directory
  3. enter npm install and npm start
  4. open a new terminal, enter npm run tunnel (we use ngrok so the react native app in development mode can connect to the local server)
  5. copy the first 12 letters of the displayed ngrok url (e.g. cf8edc7c198c for
    replace the value of TUNNEL_ADDRESS in the /src/helpers/api.js file with it
  6. open a new terminal, go to root directory, enter npm install and enter expo start

The backend REST API supports the following http requests,

  1. post /register
    The body is a JSON object with the following keys: email, password

  2. post /login
    The body is a JSON object with the following keys: email, password, clinicName, phone, address

  3. post /consults (for adding one new consultation record)
    Authentication required(the clinic info is extracted from the jwt token).
    The header has to contain a Authorization key with value of the form Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ImxvbEB3aGF0ZXZlci5jb20iLCJpYXQiOjE2MTkxNzM5NDh9.MF52yBEfuWu1SsaGXI2ib0q9blsduvRNTyT2yVHa4N8
    The body is a JSON object with the following keys: doctorName, patientName, diagnosis, medication, fee, datetime, followup

  4. get /consults/:consultID
    Authentication required(you can request for only the records belonging to this clinic).

  5. get /consults
    e.g. get /consults?year=2021&month=4&day=22&dayCount=10
    It returns a sorted list of records belonging to this clinic that occured within the first 10 days after 2021-4-22(inclusive)
    Authentication required.

Demo videos

  1. Demo of clinic app
    The part where the UI is not responding is due to the fact that ngrok(free plan) has a per minute connection limitation(40 max). This won't happen in production. On th detail page, doctor name is missing, the bug was already fixed after recording of the video.
  2. Demo of login/register form validation

Further improvements

Some features have been considered but were not implemented due to time restrictions.

  1. Send login/register info over https
  2. Add user input feedback for the monthly view UI
  3. Cache data locally to reduce latency and save bandwidth
  4. Add input validation for the REST API
  5. Add a drawer to show the clinic info and a logout button
  6. Add a page for adding a new entry of consultation record
  7. Use react hook form for form validation

Tech stack

React native, react-navigation, react-native-chart-kit, react-native-calendar-strip, react-native-datepicker, axios, node, express, knex, MySQL(hosted on Amazon RDS), bcrypt, jsonwebtoken, moment


Client and server of a consultation app






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