- hyperkey - I should be using skhd
- espanso - Complex keyboard shortcuts, fully OSS
- fzf
- autojump
- Rectangle - After getting burned by Divvy's death I decided to never rely on commercial window management software ever again
- dateutils
- awsume - AWS CLI if the AWS CLI cared about profiles
- jq
- zx
- duti - Programatically tell MacOS which app to open a given file extension with. I have a script that sets all the important ones for me (JS, JSX, TS, etc) that runs every time I install apps
- timezsh
timezsh() {
for i in $(seq 1 10); do /usr/bin/time $shell -i -c exit; done
- difftastic - structured diff
- dog - DNS CLI
- apk.sh - APK->rickroll
- chrome-cli
- aws-rotate-key
- videogrep ❤️
- gron - grep json