- iOS 12.5.6
- iPad Air Gen 1 (As of 10/27/2022)
- iOS 12.5.7
- iPad Mini 3 (As of 01/13/2025 - Thanks to adamk324)
- Jailbreak with Checkra1n 0.10.2
- Alternatively use Bootra1n 10.2
- This can be a VERY finicky process with freezing at the 'Right Before Trigger (this is the real bug setup)'.
- Unplug the iDevice after ~15-20 seconds of the screen showing 'Right Before Trigger...' then plug the iDevice back in after 1-2 seconds. You should see a 'Booting Up' message immediately after plugging the device back in. If you don't you'll likely have to start all over with checkra!n. If you keep failing you can try and restore the iOS firmware in iTunes and start over again.
Boot to Windows
Download libimobiledevice
Extract zip and open a Powershell window in the extracted directory
Start iProxy
.\iproxy.exe 22 44
- 22 is the local masquerade port
- 44 is the port SSH is running on on the iDevice (SSH on the iDevice is 44 per Checkra1n docs)
Open a second powershell window
Type: ssh [email protected]
- Password: alpine
Open WinSCP
- Connect via SCP to
- User: root
- Password: alpine
- Connect via SCP to
On the iDevice, continue to the 'Chose a Wi-Fi Netowrk' screen but DO NOT connect
In the SSH Powershell console enter the following commands in order:
mount -o rw,union,update / launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.mobileactivationd.plist rm /usr/libexec/mobileactivationd uicache --all
In WinSCP Transfer the mobileactivationd file to the directory /usr/libexec/
- Full path should be: /usr/libexec/mobileactivationd
Once complete enter the following commands in order:
chmod 755 /usr/libexec/mobileactivationd launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.mobileactivationd.plist
Finally chose 'Connect to iTunes' on the bottom of the 'Chose a Wi-Fi Network' page to complete bypass
These directions were pulled from many sources and compiled by me, the steps and patched mobileactivationd file for the iCloud bypass were extracted from iOS-Hacktivation. Many thanks to the talented individuals that create these tools!