- [New] Upgrade page.
Dev Notes: See https://wpmudev.github.io/shared-ui/#upgrade-page for sample markup. - [New] Reviews.io widget used on Upgrade Page.
- [Enhance] Update icon font file to latest.
- [Enhance] Tree selectors: Item text is now clickable and can open/close the sub-menu.
- [Enhance] Tree selectors: Cursor not allowed for disabled items.
- [Enhance] Tree selectors: Make clickable arrows area bigger.
- [Enhance] Tree selectors: Improve text + icon vertical alignment.
- [Enhance] Tree selectors: Support checkbox input and divs as part of the markup.
Dev Notes: For more info go to https://wpmudev.github.io/shared-ui/#trees and read "Documentation" tab. If something is not clear ping @Leigh on #sui-plugins channel.