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Releases: wpietri/simpleais


28 Mar 13:29
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What's Changed

  • Support input from serial sources on Windows by @astuder in #4
  • fix lon/lat in msg type 27, possibly now also works in types 17 and 22 by @astuder in #5
  • Adding support for checksum status in stats

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.7.1...v0.7.3

Lossy compression added

18 Jan 21:57
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AIS is meant for maintaining a real-time display, so that you don't hit other ships. That means for other uses, there's a lot of pretty-much-redundant information. This library now includes the aisrefine tool, which will take a large file and perform lossy compression. At a minimum you'll see one AIS sentence every four hours from a sender, and more if the ship significantly changes things like speed, destination, course, or draught. This provides circa 96% compression on large files, and was a much easier way to speed up the library than rewriting everything in C.

Release available on PYPI:

Can now export AIS to JSON

08 May 16:45
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To make it easier to interoperate with other languages, there is now the ais2json commmand-line tool and support in the Sentence object for converting sentences to JSON. Field order is preserved to make the JSON human-readable. So that no information is accidentally lost, the original encoded AIS text is attached.

The JSON format is much more verbose, but that can be compensated for via compression. A quick test on a 2 GB raw AIS file shows that raw AIS is about 79 bytes per sentence, while a gzipped JSON version is about 64 bytes per sentence.

Sentences can be converted to dicts

19 Apr 03:36
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So that sentences can be easily encoded as, e.g., JSON, they can now be converted to dicts.

Now with time filtering

17 Jun 18:36
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This lets you filter AIS packets by timestamp; aisgrep now has --before and --after options. Date format can be anything accepted by the dateutil package, which is almost anything.

Better, faster, stronger

10 Mar 23:40
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Contains a variety of improvements, including transparent reading of .gz files, defaulting to quietly ignoring bad lines, and significant speed improvements.


18 Feb 07:38
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v0.6.1 Pre-release
Making sure the magic JSON file gets deployed.

Initial release

18 Feb 07:10
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Initial release Pre-release

A release of some basic library and tool code. Since I'm using this in production, perhaps others will want to as well.