This application skeleton is to be used when creating WS Applications.
It contains a good base for a project and includes many useful components helping you to kickstart your application.
- Yeoman base
- Angular 1.4.0
- Including angular-resource, angular-cookies, angular-sanitize ngAnimate, ngAria, ngCookies, ngMessages, ngResource, ngRoute, ngSanitize, ngTouch
- WorldSkills Bootstrap and App templates already integrated
- angular-ui-router to allow nested views
- example views and controllers (click on the competition navi item)
- angular-translate internationalization support integrated
- includes angular-translate-loader-url, angular-translate-static-files and angular-translate-storage-local to allow you to load static JSON files for UI element translations and store current translation in local storage (cookie fallback)
- jquery
- angular ui-bootstrap
- Note If you wan't to customize your templates, remove '-tpls' from app/angular-bootstrap/bower.json under 'main'. The templates can be found from the templates folder under app.
- select2 is not included automatically, it's replaced by ui-select, see angular-ui project for a lot of useful extras
# Clone a shallow copy of the repository (no history)
$ git clone --depth 1 [email protected]:worldskills/WorldSkills-Angular-Skeleton.git my_application
$ cd my_application
# remove existing git data
$ rm -rf .git
# initialize git for a new project
$ git init
$ npm install
# see bower.json and update version numbers (latest stable for angular libs)
$ bower update
# start the project
$ grunt serve
# to build for distribution
$ grunt build
It is recommended also to rename your application, at the moment it is called 'worldSkillsApp'
It is safe to use global search & replace to rename. There should be 18 references accross the project.
Routing is done with angular-ui-router Routing configuration can be found from app.js
See yeoman instructions on how to create new controllers, views, directives etc.
Karma unit tests Test files under /test/spec
$ grunt test
Protractor E2E testing Test files under /test/protractor
# Start the standalone selenium server
$ ./node_modules/selenium-standalone/bin/start-selenium
# Run tests
$ protractor protractor.conf
Angular-UI project has many other useful extras that are worth looking into depending on the needs of your project