Install with Bower:
bower install angular-worldskills-utils --save
Load the JavaScript in your HTML file:
<script src="bower_components/angular-worldskills-utils/src/angular-worldskills-utils.js"></script>
Add the dependency to your AngularJS module:
angular.module('yourApp', ['worldskills.utils']);
Define the following constants (don't forget to replace your client id):
angular.module('yourApp').constant('WORLDSKILLS_CLIENT_ID', '<your client id>');
angular.module('yourApp').constant('WORLDSKILLS_API_AUTH', '');
angular.module('yourApp').constant('WORLDSKILLS_AUTHORIZE_URL', '');
angular.module('yourApp').constant('LOAD_CHILD_ENTITY_ROLES', false);
angular.module('yourApp').constant('FILTER_AUTH_ROLES', [<array of application codes>]);
To use any of the following authentication functions, make sure to use the auth
object in at least one controller, e.g.:
angular.module('yourApp').controller('ContainerCtrl', function($scope, auth) {
$scope.auth = auth;
To load the previous state after the user has logged in on WorldSkills Auth, you can use sessionStorage.getItem('redirect_to_state')
Configure the $urlRouterProvider
as following:
angular.module('yourApp').config(function($urlRouterProvider) {
$urlRouterProvider.otherwise(function ($injector, $location) {
// check for existing redirect
var $state = $injector.get('$state');
var redirectToState = sessionStorage.getItem('redirect_to_state');
var redirectToParams = sessionStorage.getItem('redirect_to_params');
if (redirectToState) {
if (redirectToParams) {
redirectToParams = angular.fromJson(redirectToParams);
} else {
redirectToParams = {};
$state.go(redirectToState, redirectToParams);
} else {
To require an authenticated user for certain states, add requireLoggedIn: true
in the state data:
.state('your.state', {
url: '/your/url',
templateUrl: 'views/template.html',
controller: 'YourCtrl',
data: {
requireLoggedIn: true
You can also require specific roles for a state with requiredRoles
.state('your.state', {
url: '/your/url',
templateUrl: 'views/template.html',
controller: 'YourCtrl',
data: {
requireLoggedIn: true,
requiredRoles: [
{code: 100, role: 'Admin'}
Custom fallback in order to handle forbidden redirect manually rather than to redirect to login url automatically.
Add forbiddenFallbad: function
to app.js
.state('people', {
url: '/people?search',
templateUrl: 'views/people.html',
controller: 'PersonnelCtrl',
requireLoggedIn: true,
forbiddenCallback: function(auth, $state){
//state passed from $rootScope.$state
$state.go('person.view', {'pid': auth.user.person_id});
requiredRoles: [
{code: 600, role: APP_ROLES.ADMIN},
{code: 600, role: APP_ROLES.MANAGER}
Also now allows custom fallbacks for login error state, use case: redirect to a signup page instead of auth.loginUrl
.state('restrictedState', {
url: '/needsLogin',
templateUrl: 'views/restricted.html',
controller: 'RestrictedCtrl',
data: {
requireLoggedIn: true,
unAuthenticatedCallback: function(auth, $state){
requiredRoles: [
{code: 1800, role: APP_ROLES.ADMIN},
{code: 1800, role: APP_ROLES.MANAGER},
{code: 1800, role: APP_ROLES.USER}
.state('signup', {
url: '/signup',
controller: 'SignupCtrl',
templateUrl: 'views/signup.html',
data: {
requireLoggedIn: false
Show an animated loading indicator graphic.
<ws-spinner ng=show="loading"></ws-spinner>
Show a loading indicator on a button.
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success">
<ws-text-spinner ng-show="loading" class="ng-hide"></ws-text-spinner>
Added small and big versions
<ws-spinner class='bigSpinner'></ws-spinner>
<ws-spinner class='smallSpinner'></ws-spinner>