Nvy Theme plugin for the Workarea platform.
Documentation for workarea themes on homebase
For bug reports and improvement suggestions create a ticket in the NVYTHEME jira project.
Due to the occasional use of flexbox; NvyTheme only supports IE 10+ If you need to support older versions of IE you will need to provide alternative styles where flexbox is used.
Image Type | Optimum size | Note |
Logo - mobile | 40px x 40px | |
Logo - desktop | 160px x 64px | |
Product Images | 944px x 1416px | This size does not account for use of image-zoom, it is recommended to at least double this size if your client is likely to want zoom functionality. |
Blog thumbnails | 160px x 160px |
The following workarea plugins are supported by NvyTheme, and are dependencies of the plugin.
- Blog
- Gift Cards
- Product Quickview
- Reviews
- Share
- Swatches
- Styled Selects
- Slick Slider
- Wish Lists
Add the gem to your application's Gemfile:
# ...
gem 'workarea-nvy_theme'
# ...
Update your application's bundle.
cd path/to/application
While you are able to configure Workarea themes from any initializer it is recommended that you create a new initializer called theme.rb using the following code
Workarea.configure do |config|
config.theme = config.theme.merge(
color_scheme: "nvy",
primary_font_family: "lora",
secondary_font_family: "overpass"
This will set your application up with the default configuration options, but allow you to change them easily.
Nvy comes with 3 color schemes pre-defined for demo and learning purposes.
To change the color scheme in your application, set the color_scheme configuration in your theme initializer to one of the following configurations:
Workarea.config.theme[:color_scheme] = "nvy"
Workarea.config.theme[:color_scheme] = "neutral"
Workarea.config.theme[:color_scheme] = "vermillion"
We will be updating theme infastructure in the near future that will make this process more developer friendly. In the meantime you can create a new color scheme by:
- Copying one of the existing color scheme files into your application re-nameing the file,
- Update the color_scheme config to match the name of your new color scheme file.
This will create a sass file called _custom_color_scheme.scss
in your host application, please change <your-app-name> in the following command to the directory of your application.
From your ~/src directory, ensure you have workarea-nvy-theme pulled down
cp -i workarea-nvy-theme/app/assets/stylesheets/workarea/storefront/theme_config/_nvy_color_scheme.scss <your-app-name>/app/assets/stylesheets/workarea/storefront/theme_config/_custom_color_scheme.scss
nvy Theme includes configurable font-stack functionality!
You can configure the primary and secondary font stacks using the theme configuration initializer. To change the font stacks in your application set the primary_font_family and secondary_font_family initializer values to one of the font_stacks defined in workarea-nvy-theme/config/initializers/theme.rb
config.theme = config.theme.merge(
primary_font_family: "poppins",
secondary_font_family: "pt_serif"
The primary_font_family is used for body text throughout the site. The secondary_font_family is used for most of the system content, buttons, headings, and other UI components.
I recommend using google fonts where possible, the googlefonts webfont helper is a useful tool for downloading webfonts and easily generating @font-face CSS - give it a try!
- Create a new directory in app/assets/fonts/workarea/storefront/<your_font_name_here>
- Download woff and woff2 files for the font you want to use.
- Place your font files in the directory we created in step 1.
- Create a sass file for you @font-face declarations in /app/assets/stylesheets/workarea/storefront/theme_config/fonts/
- Update your theme initializer, adding a new font_stack and setting either the primary_font_family or secondary_font_family
Example configuration for Calibri font stack used as secondary font family:
config.theme[:font_stacks] = config.theme.font_stacks.merge (
calibri: 'Calibri, Candara, Segoe, "Segoe UI", Optima, Arial, sans-serif',
config.theme = config.theme.merge(
secondary_font_family: "calibri"
See https://developer.workarea.com for Workarea Commerce documentation.
Workarea NVY Theme is released under the Business Software License