An extensible Vue 3 web text-editor based on Lexical.
For documentation and more information about Lexical, be sure to visit the Lexical website.
Here are some examples of what you can do with Lexical:
Requires Vue >= 3.5.0.
Install lexical-vue
npm install lexical-vue # or pnpm or yarn
Below is an example of a basic plain text editor using lexical
and lexical-vue
<script setup lang="ts">
import { $getRoot, $getSelection } from 'lexical'
import {
} from 'lexical-vue'
const config = {
editable: true,
theme: {
// Theme styling goes here
function onError(error) {
throw error
// When the editor changes, you can get notified via the
// LexicalOnChangePlugin!
function onChange(editorState) { => {
// Read the contents of the EditorState here.
const root = $getRoot()
const selection = $getSelection()
console.log(root, selection)
<LexicalComposer :initial-config="config" @error="onError">
<template #contentEditable>
<LexicalContentEditable />
<template #placeholder>
Enter some text...
<LexicalOnChangePlugin @change="onChange" />
<LexicalHistoryPlugin />
<LexicalAutoFocusPlugin />
For a more complex example, check the rich text editor playground.
- Create a new branch
git checkout -b my-new-branch
- Commit your changes
git commit -a -m 'Description of the changes'
- There are many ways of doing this and this is just a suggestion
- Push your branch to GitHub
git push origin my-new-branch
- Go to the repository page in GitHub and click on "Compare & pull request"
- The GitHub CLI allows you to skip the web interface for this step (and much more)