Sample github repo demonstrating how to turn in assignments to Dr. MacEvoy ( CMU | github )
Name | Value |
Course | Software Engineering - 44393 - CSCI 490 - 001 - Fall 2019 |
Student | A Student |
Mav User | astudent |
Github User | gituser123 |
Repository | |
Syllabus | |
Assignment | Due Date | Done | Location | Notes |
1 - C++ Hello | 1-Jan-20 | ☑ | cpp-hello | Test C++ function with Google Test |
2 - C++ Greet | 2-Jan-20 | ☑ | cpp-greet | Test C++ class with Google Test |
3 - Java Hello | 2-Jan-20 | ☑ | java-hello | Test Java with JUnit 4 |
4 - Kattis | 3-Jan-20 | ☑ | java-billiard | Tested Java solution to billiard kattis problem |
5 - Kattis | 3-Jan-20 | ☑ | cpp-billiard | Tested C++ solution to billiard kattis problem |
On campus, your F: drive is a good place to store a private key. But you need to refer to that key from Git to authenticate. You can use
export GIT_SSH_COMMAND='ssh -i /f/.ssh/id_rsa -o IdentitiesOnly=yes'
(adjust path according to which system you are using). After setting this, you can use Git on campus without needing to leave keys everywere.