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The JSON HTML Query Language, a XPath and JSON based utility to extract interested contents from HTML documents.

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JHQL - The JSON HTML Query Language

Author: Kunshan Wang

Using JHQL, you can easily extract interesting fields from an HTML web page.


JHQL is a JSON-based language expressing a mapping from an HTML page to a JSON-like value.

Suppose you are looking at the HTML source code of a web page and you are interested in the project name, the author's name and the download address:

<h1>The JHQL Project</h1>
<div>Author: <span id="author-name">wks</span></div>
<div id="download-box">
    Please click <a href="">here</a>.

With adequate knowledge of Java and HTML/XML, you can use DOM or XPath to locate and extract those fields. But directly using the DOM or the XPath API is boring and your code will soon become unreadable. There is a more beautiful way to do this. Write a JHQL expression like this (You are right. It is a JSON Value.):

    "projectName": "text://h1",
    "authorName": "text://*[@id='author-name']",
    "downloadUrl": "text://*[@id='download-box']/a/@href"

Save this script as "myexpression.jhql". In Java, do this:

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    Jhql jhql = new Jhql();

    Queryer queryer = jhql.makeQueryer(new File("myexpression.jhql"));

    Object result = jhql.queryHtml(queryer, new File("theAboveExampe.html"));


It will print:

{projectName=The JHQL Project, authorName=wks, downloadUrl=}

The 'result' variable is a Map<String, Object> in Java, although JHQL was designed to generate a JSON Value roughly equivalent to:

    "projectName": "The JHQL Project",
    "authorName": "wks",
    "downloadUrl": ""

More Examples

A JHQL expression is a JSON Value (most probably a JSON Object) like this:

    "username": "text:.//h1/text()",
    "fullname": "text:.//dd[@class='fn']",
    "membersince": {
        "_type": "date",
        "value": ".//div[@class='first vcard']/dl[2]/dd",
        "dateFormat": "MMM dd, yyyy"

As you can guess, it extracts the username and the fullname from an HTML page using XPath. It also extracts a date using a combination of an XPath and a date format (see SimpleDateFormat).

When you apply this JHQL expression to this page , it gives you:

    "username" : "wks",
    "fullname" : "Kunshan Wang",
    "membersince" : "2010-08-18T16:00:00.000+0000"

The result here is in the JSON form. You actually get a LinkedHashMap in Java, but you can convert it into JSON if you want. (Try Jackson)

A more complex query:

    "username": "text:.//h1/text()",
    "publicRepos": {
        "_type": "list",
        "from": ".//li[@class='public']",
        "select": {
            "reponame": "text:./h3/a",
            "language": "text:./ul/li[1]",
            "watchers": "int:./ul/li[@class='watchers']/a",
            "forks": "int:./ul/li[@class='forks']/a"

"publicRepos" selects multiple nodes. It will first find all DOM nodes using the XPath in the "from" part: ".//li[@class='public']". Then it does the query in the "select" on each matching node.

Apply this on, you get:

    "username" : "wks",
    "publicRepos" : [ {
        "reponame" : "jhql",
        "language" : "Java",
        "watchers" : 1,
        "forks" : 1
    }, {
        "reponame" : "libbyr4j",
        "language" : "Java",
        "watchers" : 1,
        "forks" : 1
    }, {
        "reponame" : "libbyr",
        "language" : "Python",
        "watchers" : 1,
        "forks" : 1

Of course you should use the GitHub's native restful API (see JHQL is only the last resort for you if the site you need does not give you any such APIs.

JHQL Expression Grammar

A JHQL expression defines a Queryer. A Queryer is an object that converts HTML pages into JSON-like values.

A JHQL expression can be a complex expression, a simple expression or an object expression.

A complex expression is a JSON object with a "_type" field. This kind of expression defines a Queryer using a type and many properties. The type is the value of the "_type" field. Other fields not beginning with an underscope '_' define properties.

For example:

    "_type": "text",
    "value": "//div",
    "grep": "(\\d+)"

It will create a Queryer of type "text" with its property "value" set to "//div" and its property "grep" set to "(\d+)".

The property value can be null, true, false, number, string, array or Queryer. When the expected property is a Queryer, it is also expressed as a (nested) JHQL expression.

A simple expression is a JSON string of the form: "type:value". It is exactly equivalent to the following complex expression:

    "_type": (the type in the simple expression),
    "value": (the value in the simple expression)

If there are multiple colons ':', the first colon separates the type and the value.

An object expression is a JSON object without a "_type" field. It defines a special Object Queryer (see below). Other fields whose name do not begin with an underscope '_' are the Object Queryer's sub-Queryers. The following expression:

    "foo": "text://h1",
    "bar": "text://h2"

contains two sub-Queryers named "foo" and "bar", defined by two simple expressions "text://h1" and "text://h2", respectively.

Predefined Queryers

text Queryer

A text Queryer does an XPath query on the current DOM node. The text content of all matching nodes are concatenated and returned.


  • value
    (string, required) The XPath expression to apply on the current node.
  • grep
    (string, optional) A regular expression to apply on the result of the XPath query. It must include exactly one capturing group and the content of that group will be the result.
  • trim
    (boolean, optional, default: false) If set to true, the result will be trimmed (the leading and trailing spaces will be removed).

This Queryer does XPath querying and then grepping and then trimming, in this order.



Applied on:




Another example:

    "_type": "text",
    "value": "//p",
    "grep": "(\\d+)"

Applied on:

<p>The number is 123456!</p>

Yields (NOTE: this is a String):


Yet another example:

    "_type": "text",
    "value": "//p",
    "trim": true

Applied on:

<p>    hello world!    </p>


"hello world!"

int Queryer

Just like the text queryer. But it converts the result into an integer.


  • value
    see text queryer
  • grep
    see text queryer
  • trim
    see text queryer



Applied on:

<p>Age: <span id="age">12</span></p>

Yields (NOTE: this is an Integer):


Another example:

    "_type": "int",
    "value": "//p",
    "grep": "(\\d+)"

Applied on:

<p>The number is 123456!</p>

Yields (NOTE: this is an Integer):


Object Queryer

Object Queryers are defined by the special object expression shown above. It has many sub-Queryers. All sub-Queryers are applied on the current DOM Node. The result of the ObjectQueryer is a JSON Object (or a Java Map<String, Object>). The results from each sub-Queryer is added as a field of resulting JSON Object.


    "foo": "text://h1",
    "bar": "text://h2",
    "baz": "text://h3"

Applied on:



    "foo": "hello",
    "bar": "world",
    "baz": "!"

single Queryer

A single Queryer extracts values from single DOM Node. It gets a DOM Node that matches the XPath expression of the "from" property. Then the Queryer defined by the "select" property is applied on the node matched by "from". The result is a value generated by the Queryer in the "select" property.


  • from
    (string, required) The XPath expression to apply on the current node.
  • select
    (Queryer, required) A sub-Queryer to apply on the matched node from "from".


    "key1": {
        "_type": "single",
        "from": "//td[text() = 'key1']",
        "select": "text:../td[2]"
    "key2": {
        "_type": "single",
        "from": "//td[text() = 'key2']",
        "select": {
            "value": "text:../td[2]"

Applied on:



    "key1": "value1",
    "key2": {
        "value": "value2"

list Queryer

A list Queryer extracts values from multiple DOM Nodes sharing the same XPath. It first gets all DOM Nodes that matches the XPath expression of the "from" property. Then the Queryer defined by the "select" property is applied on each node matched by "from". The result is a JSON Array (or a Java List) of each result generated by the Queryer in the "select" property.


  • from
    (string, required) The XPath expression to apply on the current node.
  • select
    (Queryer, required) A sub-Queryer to apply on each matched node from "from".


    "_type": "list",
    "from": "//p",
    "select": "text:."

Applied on:



["hello", "world", "!"]

Another Example:

    "_type": "list",
    "from": "//a",
    "select": {
        "name": "text:.",
        "url": "text:./@href"

Applied on:

    <a href="">foo</a>
    <a href="">bar</a>
    <a href="">baz</a>


    {"name": "foo", "url": ""},
    {"name": "bar", "url": ""},
    {"name": "baz", "url": ""}

date Queryer

Just like the text queryer. But it converts the result into a java.util.Date object. This is only meaningful in Java. You can adjust the date format as defined by java.text.SimpleDateFormat .


  • value
    see text queryer
  • grep
    see text queryer
  • trim
    see text queryer
  • dateFormat
    (string, required) The date format as defined by java.text.SimpleDateFormat

This Queryer does XPath querying, grepping, trimming and then convert the result into a Date object according to the dateFormat property.


    "_type": "date",
    "value": "//p",
    "grep": "(\\d+-\\d+-\\d+)",
    "dateFormat": "yyyy-MM-dd"

Applied on:

<div><p>Today is 2011-12-23.</p></div>


A java.util.Date representing December 23rd, 2011.

literal Queryer

A queryer that always return to a specified string.


  • value
    (string, required) The value which this queryer always return.


"literal:Hello world!"

Applied on:

..... whatever .....


"Hello world!"

Note: Currently the return value can only be a String.

context Queryer

A queryer that returns a value in the context.

The context is a set of key-value pairs. The key is always a string and the value can be any kind of value, as long as the implement supports. In Java, the Context is implemented as a Map<String, Object> . When a Queryer is to be applied on a DOM Node, the context is also supplied.

All the examples above assume that the context is empty, which means there is not any key-value pairs in the context. (i.e. an empty Map)

See the Java Usage section about how to apply a context.


  • value
    (string, required) The key of the key-value pair in the context whose value is supposed be returned.



Applied on:

.... whatever ....

In this context:

    "hello_message": "Hello world!",
    "user_name": "wks"


"Hello world!"

zip Queryer

A queryer that "zips" multiple "list" Queryer's result into one list of "big" objects.

This is useful when related informations are not contained in one big structure. A typical situation is sections interlaced by <h1>s and <p>s.

<h1>title1</h1> <p>hello</p> <h1>title2</h2> <p>world</p> ...

The neighboring <h1> and <p> are not nested into another element like this:


A single "list" Queryer only work for the latter case, but the former case need you to use a "zip" queryer combined with several "list" Queryers.

The "zip" queryer is an analog to the "zip" function found in many functional programming languages like Haskell as well as Python.


  • from
    (An "Object" Queryer, required) An Object Queryer containing many "list" queryers.
  • alignTo
    (String, must be "shortest" or "longest", default: "shortest") Defines the final length if the result of each "list" queryer is not of the same length. If "shortest", the final list will be as long as the shortest result and longer results are trimmed. If "longest", all lists shorter than the longest will be padded with nulls to the length of the longest subresult before zipped.


    "_type": "zip",
    "from": {
        "title": {
            "_type": "list",
            "from": "//h1",
            "select": "text:."
        "content": {
            "_type": "list",
            "from": "//p",
            "select": "text:."

Applied on:



    { "title": "title1", "content": "hello" },
    { "title": "title2", "content": "world" },

Java Usage

There is a facade class, org.github.wks.jhql.Jhql, which gives you access to most of JHQL's functionalities.

As you have seen in the Introduction section, you should instantiate a Jhql object in order to use JHQL.

Jhql jhql = new Jhql();

To create a Queryer, use the overloaded Jhql.makeQueryer(...) methods. The following example creates a Queryer from a text file encoded in UTF-8.

Queryer queryer = jhql.makeQueryer(new File("myexpression.jhql"));

The org.github.wks.jhql.query.Queryer interface is the parent of all other Queryers. You can use Queryer.query(node, content) to make queries, but it is recommended to use the Jhql facade methods, instead.

Object result = jhql.queryHtml(queryer, new File("theAboveExampe.html"));

The output type depends on the Queryer's type. JSON types, including string, number, true, false and null, have their Java counterparts, namely String, Integer, Boolean and the null pointer. A JSON Array is mapped to a Java ArrayList<Object> and a JSON Object is mapped to Java's LinkedHashMap<String, Object>.

Working with Jackson

JHQL relies on Jackson, a JSON library, for reading JSON-based expressions. You may also use Jackson to turn a Java value into a JSON value.

ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); String jsonString = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(result); System.out.println(jsonString);

Note that Jackson, by default, converts java.util.Date into an integer. Consult Jackson's documents to find out how to change this behavior.

Using Jackson, you can also convert a Map<String, Object> into a strongly-typed Java object following the JavaBean conventions.

Suppose you have your domain object:

class Person {
    private String name;
    private int age;
    private Date birthDay;
    // getters and setters ...

You may write your JHQL expression to match this class's property names:

    "name": "text://some/path",
    "age": "text://.[@id='age']",
    "birthDay": { "_type": "date", ... }

Query to get a Map<String, Object> and then convert into your domain object:

Queryer queryer = jhql.makeQueryer("...");
Object result = jhql.queryHtml(queryer, new File("personInfo.html"));

ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
Person person = objectMapper.convertValue(result, Person.class);

Now you have created your Person object by converting from the "personInfo.html" web page.


I (Kunshan Wang) am a graduate student working on Data Mining. I created this JQHL "query language" in order to work with real-world web pages, specifically the news reports from various news sites.

Although more and more web sites now support the much cleaner RSS or ATOM formats, parsing HTML is still necessary. It has brought me much headache to find a proper way to extract useful information from an HTML file.

I tried regular expressions. They are difficult to use because regular expressions are hardly readable when they are written to match a piece of HTML source code. You have to pay attention to many regexp meta-characters that may appear in HTML codes. You also need to remember whether you have enabled the "DOTALL" mode and figure out whether you need "greedy" or "lazy" matching. If there is a bug in the expression, it'll take you longer to find it out than writing a new expression.

Then I moved to DOM and XPath. I wondered whether XPath actually work with real-world web pages since ill-formed HTML pages may be "repaired" into different DOM trees according to different HTML parser implementations. Fortunately real-world experience told me that XPath works for "most" pages, which include all the pages I care about. By using more wildcards (like "//*[@id='foo']") instead of full paths ( like "/body/p/p/div/span/table/tbody/tr/td/p/a[@id='foo']"), more errors can be avoided. So XPath is a reasonable way to extract things from real-world HTML pages.

But it is not practical to write XPath expressions directly in Java . XPaths should be compiled before using because of performance. So you should usually keep XPath objects as global singletons that stay away from your HTML-extraction procedures. Moreover XPath alone is not useful because you have to trim the matched text that contains leading or trailing whitespaces, use regular expressions again to extract part of the text (for example, you only need a number, but the <p></p> also contains surrounding words) and then convert the text into other types (like int or Date). If your desired information is repeated (like the thread list in a forum page), then you have to use weird for-loops to iterate over a list of matching nodes and assemble your own ArrayList of matching records.

Then I find myself end up with a Java source file where XPath expressions are separated from the main logics and I have to go back and forth through the sourcecode to find what XPath expressions I used. On the other hand, methods are filled with ugly boilerplate codes and the class is filled with random ad-hoc methods which would never be used again. The code no longer express my extraction logic.

Here is a showcase of such chaotic code:

I feel that I need a domain-specific language that is dedicated to this job.

There are also other "query languages" available. XQuery is a good candidate. It queries on an XML document and outputs XML. I personally dislike XML because it is harder for Java to work with XML than to work with String, Integer, Boolean List and LinkedHashMap.

So I decided to create my own "query language". I considered using XML as the format of the query expression, but I didn't use it due to my dislike of XML.

Inspired by MongoDB's query language, I decided to use JSON as the underlying representation of queries. Then JHQL was born.


Kunshan Wang

[email protected]


The JSON HTML Query Language, a XPath and JSON based utility to extract interested contents from HTML documents.






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