This is the accompanying library of the paper A Sober Look at LLMs for Material Discovery: Are They Actually Good for Bayesian Optimization Over Molecules?.
If you are looking for the experiment code, check out the sister repo:
If you use this library, please cite using the following bib entry.
title={A Sober Look at {LLMs} for Material Discovery: {A}re They Actually Good for {B}ayesian Optimization Over Molecules?},
author={Kristiadi, Agustinus and Strieth-Kalthoff, Felix and Skreta, Marta and Poupart, Pascal and Aspuru-Guzik, Al\'{a}n and Pleiss, Geoff},
Note that the ordering below is important.
- Install PyTorch (with CUDA; version 2+ is supported):
- Install laplace-torch (not from pip!):
pip install git+[email protected]
- Clone and install this repo:
git clone [email protected]:wiseodd/lapeft-bayesopt.git
cd lapeft-bayesopt
pip install -e .
Full example: examples/
The simplest way to incorporate LLMs into BO surrogates is by viewing them as fixed feature extractors.
Given a data point (seq_len, embd_dim)
Then, we aggregate it by e.g. averaging over the sequence dimension to get a feature vector for (embd_dim,)
Doing this for all
This package provides an easy way to do the transformation from
- We assume that your dataset is a pandas dataframe. Inherit
. Example (fromexamples/
import lapeft_bayesopt.problems.DataProcessor
class RedoxDataProcessor(DataProcessor):
Pandas dataframe spec:
RangeIndex: 1407 entries, 0 to 1406
Data columns (total 6 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
-- ------ -------------- -----
0 Entry Number 1407 non-null int64
1 File Name 1407 non-null object
2 SMILES 1407 non-null object
3 Ered 1407 non-null float64
4 HOMO 1407 non-null float64
5 Gsol 1407 non-null float64
6 Absorption Wavelength 1407 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(4), int64(1), object(2)
memory usage: 77.1+ KB
Objective: Minimize Ered over a list of molecules in SMILES.
def __init__(self, prompt_builder, tokenizer):
# num_outputs = 1 since this is a single-objective problem
super().__init__(prompt_builder=prompt_builder, num_outputs=1, tokenizer=tokenizer)
# We must specify the four properties below
# -----------------------------------------
# `x_col` is the column name of your x
self.x_col = 'SMILES'
# `target_col` is the pandas column name of the property that we want to optimize
self.target_col = 'Ered'
# `obj_str` is the textual description of that property (useful for prompting the LLM later)
self.obj_str = 'redox potential'
# `maximization` is whether we want to maximize or minimize the property
self.maximization = False
def _get_columns_to_remove(self) -> List[str]:
# List all columns of your dataset! We will remove all of them after we preprocess the dataset using Huggingface (we only need the resulting `input_ids` and `labels`)
return ['Entry Number', 'File Name', 'SMILES', 'HOMO', 'Ered', 'Gsol', 'Absorption Wavelength']
- Next, we create prompting schemes
$c(x)$ . Here's an example (fromexamples/
from lapeft_bayesopt.problems.prompting import PromptBuilder
class MyPromptBuilder(PromptBuilder):
def __init__(self, kind: str):
self.kind = kind
def get_prompt(self, smiles_str: str, obj_str: str) -> str:
if self.kind == 'completion':
return f'The estimated {obj_str} of the molecule {smiles_str} is: '
elif self.kind == 'just-smiles':
return smiles_str
return NotImplementedError
Then, we need the LLM feature extractor itself. This package has some ready-made ones, e.g.,
. Feel free to follow that example to create your own. -
Then, we can start extracting the LLM features from
$\mathcal{D}_\mathrm{cand}$ . See theload_features
method inexamples/
. -
Finally, we can do the discrete BO loop using those features (cache provided in
). Seeexamples/
for a complete, self-contained example. Note that, at this point, we can use any BO algorithm and surrogate function. E.g. we can just use BoTorch for the BO loop.
Note: Please check the previous section first since we will reuse some objects here.
Full example: examples/
We can go one step further by making
To do this, we can use the surrogates provided in lapeft_bayesopt.surrogates
Currently LoRA is supported and it is very easy to support other PEFT methods, using Huggingface's peft
See examples/
for an example. It's actually quite simple to use!
- First, define the base PEFT-infused LLM in a function so that it is freshly initialized at each call. (Useful since at each BO iteration, the surrogate model is retrained.)
def get_model():
# Load a foundation model with a regression head attached
model = T5Regressor(
# Attach LoRA or any other PEFT on the foundation model
target_modules = ['q', 'v']
config = LoraConfig(
# This is necessary so that the regression head is also trained
lora_model = get_peft_model(model, config)
# For some reason HF's peft duplicates the head. So we need to "detach" the one that is unused
for p in lora_model.base_model.head.original_module.parameters():
p.requires_grad = False
return lora_model
- Then, we can configure the training and the Laplace approximation of this PEFT surrogate. For full options, check out
# Config for the Laplace approx over PEFT
config = LaplaceConfig(
- We then initialize a training dataset, e.g. via random sampling from the candidate set (a pandas dataframe). The training dataset should be a list of pandas rows or dicts. Don't forget to remove that row from the original dataset
$\mathcal{D}_\mathrm{cand}$ . We can uselapeft_bayesopt.utils.helpers.pop_df()
to do so.
dataset_train = []
while len(dataset_train) < n_init_data:
idx = np.random.randint(len(pd_dataset))
# Make sure that the optimum is not included
if pd_dataset.loc[idx][OBJ_COL] >= ground_truth_max:
dataset_train.append(helpers.pop_df(pd_dataset, idx))
- Next, create the surrogate.
# Create the surrogate model based on the LLM+PEFT regressor above
model = LAPEFTBayesOptLoRA(
get_model, dataset_train, data_processor, laplace_config=config
- At each BO iteration, we preprocess the candidate
$x$ 's and infer the posterior mean and variance of the Laplace approximation over PEFT (LAPEFT!) to compute the acquisition function. Here we use an approximate Thompson sampling, but other acquisition function like EI can of course be used.
# Preprocess D_cand (`dataset`) so that we can make predictions over it
dataloader = data_processor.get_dataloader(pd_dataset, batch_size=16, shuffle=False)
# Make prediction over D_cand, get means and vars, compute the acqf
acq_vals = []
for data in dataloader:
posterior = model.posterior(data)
f_mean, f_var = posterior.mean, posterior.variance
acq_vals.append(thompson_sampling(f_mean, f_var))
acq_vals =, dim=0).cpu().squeeze()
- We pick the
$x$ that maximizes the acquisition function and remove it from the candidate set. That$x$ is represented by a pandas row that we popped from the candidate set (a pandas dataframe).
# Pick an x (a row in the current pandas dataset) that maximizes the acquisition
idx_best = torch.argmax(acq_vals).item()
new_data = helpers.pop_df(pd_dataset, idx_best)
# Update the current best y
if new_data[OBJ_COL] > best_y:
best_y = new_data[OBJ_COL]
- Finally, we just feed this new data point to the surrogate object. It will append it to the training set and retrain the surrogate for the next iteration.
# Update surrogate using the new data point
model = model.condition_on_observations(new_data)