How to embedded RISCV MCU into Efinix Trion FPGA
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在FPGA的应用中,经常需要用到软核CPU,这样可以实现小规模的SoC,传统的FPGA公司都是采用自己封闭的系统,不能提供最大的系统灵活度, 而RISCV采用开放的体系结构,可以很好实现平台化设计中的维护和移植。
本设计采用系统全片上的设计方法, 可以集成RISCV的CPU以及外设,同时将程序和数据空间都可以轻松采用Efinix的FPGA内的Block RAM实现。 RISCV支持硬件乘法器
2019-10-2 V1.0
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This repo focus on introduction Efinix Trion Series FPGA IP support RISCV soft core CPU
- the project readme file
- Efinix 的官网是
Efinix FPGA 的第一个低成本FPGA家族是 Trion :
- you can register to access the documentation
- we will provide the EVB and software for your evaluation.
- ...
- FPGA lower than 30mw
- T4,T8 : 4K , 8K pure soft logic fabric product
- Package : 5x5mm FBGA81, 55 GPIOs
- EVB :
- T8EVB with build in programmer, you only need PC with USB
- T20EVB with build in programmer based on FTDI chip, you only need PC with USB
- High-density, low-power Quantum TM architecture Built on SMIC 40 nm process
- Low core leakage current (6.7 mA typical)
- FPGA interface blocks
— 20K Logic cells
— LVDS 800 Mbps per lane with up to 20 TX pairs and 26 RX pairs
— MIPI DPHY with CSI-2 controller hard IP, 1.5 Gbps per lane
— DDR3, LPDDR3, LPDDR2 x16 PHY with memory controller hard IP, 12.8 Gbps
aggregate bandwidth
On Ubuntu 16LTS : Efinix provide the Free FPGA develop suit, you need register it and buy one piece of EVB
Other features :
- Efinity Version Number:2019.
- Test the project on Windows and Ubuntu16 environment both
The Project is based on Efinix T20F256 EVB, its main features is as follows:
-- The Trion T20 BGA256 development board features:
-- T20 FPGA
-- 8 user LEDs
-- 3 user pushbutton switches, 3 user DIP switches
-- Micro-USB port
-- SPI and JTAG headers to facilitate configuration
-- 3 I/O headers to connect to external devices
-- 50 and 74.25 MHz oscillators
-- LVDS TX, RX, and clock headers -- 256 Mb SDR SDRAM
STEP1: install Efinity 2019.2 or other advanced version in Win or Ubuntu
STEP2: get ready of the T20F256EVB,
- if you have same EVB with Efinix engieers, with the other words, it is easy to find the issue with same two boards when you need tech support.
STEP3: download the total repository directory into Efinity project directory, for examples, C:\Efinity\2018.4\project
-- debug
-- Source
The code constributor are major from Bruce Chen
Project Test by Bruce Chen, Richard Zhu and Ben Chen
Project upload by Wisdom Zhang
Anything question: email: 909614802 at qq dot com
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