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Graphql Wiremock Extension - Graphql Body Matcher

⚠️ IMPORTANT: Starting from version 0.6, this extension requires WireMock 3.x. WireMock 2.x is no longer supported from this version onwards.

An extension for GraphQL testing with Wiremock

GraphqlBodyMatcher is an extension for WireMock that allows for semantical verification of GraphQL requests.


Overview 📖

  • In addition to handling whitespaces, the extension sorts and normalizes queries. The GraphQL parsing is handled by graphql-java.
  • Beyond just queries, it also compares variables. For the comparison of JSON variables, org.json.JSONObject.similar is employed. It's important to note that the order of arrays must match.

For a comprehensive understanding of our matching logic and details on our match strategy, please refer to our MatchStrategy documentation.

  • この拡張機能は、空白の取り扱いに加えて、クエリをソートし正規化します。GraphQLのパースにはgraphql-javaを使用しています。
  • クエリだけでなく、変数も比較されます。変数のJSONの比較にはorg.json.JSONObject.similarを使用しますが、配列の順番も一致している必要があります。


Usage 🛠️

For Gradle:

repositories {

dependencies {
    testImplementation 'io.github.nilwurtz:wiremock-graphql-extension:0.7.0'

For Maven:


Code Examples 💡

Here are some code examples to get started:

import io.github.nilwurtz.GraphqlBodyMatcher

        .andMatching(GraphqlBodyMatcher.withRequestJson("""{"query": "{ hero { name }}"}"""))

The GraphQL query is expected inside the "query" key and variables within the "variables" key.

val expectedQuery = """
    query HeroInfo($id: Int) {
        hero(id: $id) {

val expectedVariables = """
        "id": 1

val expectedJson = """
        "query": "$expectedQuery",
        "variables": $expectedVariables


The withRequestQueryAndVariables method has been deprecated from version 0.6.0 onwards. Please use withRequestJson instead.

Running with a Remote Wiremock Server 🌍

If you are using Wiremock on a remote server such as Docker, please see the configurations below:

Please download wiremock-graphql-extension-x.y.z-jar-with-dependencies.jar from the Release section.

Server Configuration

When running with docker run:

docker run -it --rm \
      -p 8080:8080 \
      --name wiremock \
      -v /path/to/wiremock-graphql-extension-0.7.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar:/var/wiremock/extensions/wiremock-graphql-extension-0.7.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
      wiremock/wiremock \
      --extensions io.github.nilwurtz.GraphqlBodyMatcher

When building with docker build:

FROM wiremock/wiremock:latest
COPY ./wiremock-graphql-extension-0.7.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar /var/wiremock/extensions/wiremock-graphql-extension-0.7.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar
CMD ["--extensions", "io.github.nilwurtz.GraphqlBodyMatcher"]

Client-side (Test) Configuration

NOTE: When using a Remote Wiremock Server, you're requested to manage everything within a single JSON format.

import com.github.tomakehurst.wiremock.client.WireMock
import com.github.tomakehurst.wiremock.client.WireMock.*
import io.github.nilwurtz.GraphqlBodyMatcher

fun registerGraphQLWiremock(json: String) {
            .andMatching(GraphqlBodyMatcher.extensionName, GraphqlBodyMatcher.withRequest(json))

Limitations 🚧

This project currently focuses on supporting the fundamental parts of Queries. Some advanced features, such as mutations or aliases, are not yet fully supported. However, I aim to expand this scope over time.

License 📜

This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.

Contributing 🤝

Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request if you have any improvements or suggestions.