Release V1.6.0
- Fix bug on the date filtering on both statistics pages
- Add a country dropdown for phone selection
- Separate user and admin login flows
- Allow user or admin to revoke a radius profile
- Fix filtering results, they aren't reflect the actual active count on the filter's (Search User's)
- Cookie Banner
- TOS Checkbox to enable/disable buttons
- Allow TOS and Privacy Policy to be configured directly on the platform.
- New entity for TOS & Privacy Policy for the new custom editors on the terms page.
- Fix missing unit of measurement for statistics
- User per page on User Management is not reflecting the pagination
- Update READ.ME add new env's && settings
- Auto delete unconfirmed users after a specific timeframe configurable by the admin
- Added a new endpoint for Turnstile configuration required for the Android App's
- Clear Unverified Accounts Command:
Removes any records in theUser
and all the
associated entity's that have an unverified accounts associated.
Important: This command will permanently delete any log or record in the
For more details on how this command works, please refer to the file at:
To use this command, run the following root in the root folder of the project:
php bin/console clear:deleteUnconfirmedUsers
- Notify User When Profile is about to Expire Command:
Sends a notification
(email/sms) for all the user's that have a profile installed when the expiration date is about to end.
For more details on how this command works, please refer to the file at:
To use this command, run the following root in the root folder of the project:
php bin/console notify:usersWhenProfileExpires