This project is a Single Page Application of a Music Website with Spotify's Web API.
choose route and css
? Choose a prebuilt theme name, or "custom" for a custom theme: Indigo/Pink [ Preview: ]
? Set up global Angular Material typography styles? Yes
? Set up browser animations for Angular Material? Yes
When the access token expires go to
press button -> get token
The new token must be put here, after the string Bearer:
private headers: HttpHeaders = new HttpHeaders({
' Bearer BQCUi4ucgzVT8lCEUBWPOWKDCqCZMerhstD2AUm4oBrDEtXfvUKlgPs6Q6-jterqQnU9vhfy6psN9SpSM6GHS_8GXUfDhsv3dOXCOp-0tha3y6qfGnqzzJLID-mm8n27OovUPpfkMS1SVXTrKXb4ToaDQPgtm2V35gR-tjwkH2TEEWafb-qEfKX8z8SVoZtNCE4hu2zvlwjUU1YA4nfwr0YEjhzBIZGiINqvxgi27tQymlpYKPbIfwZ564E7znuWutZkayefbKQfU43eRDeE6mDRyFXRxBozOrY'