Yandax Translate API / Google Translate API are all convenient to use, but people are concerned about "Privacy" since user data must be send to the remote to do the translation work
NLLBTranslateServer 100% run on your device, zero tracking
Please place the binary alongside with your model folder, "The File and Folder Name" must be the same as the picture
In terminal, type sudo chmod u+x NTS_darwin
to allow the executable to run, and then type ./NTS_darwin
Everything is now ready 🌟
- : accept GET request, return current server status
- : accept GET request, return help message (available languages for translation)
- accept POST request, please contain the fields within the following picture
A good model to be used in translation task
Please go to this link and download, the things that you would need are prepared for you 😃.
just download "python-3.11.5-macos11.pkg", and pip install [wheels within "nllb_server_use_packages"]