JHson.js v1.0.0 - Binding support for JSON to HTML!
New Features:
Added binding support! You can now add the attribute "data-jhson-options" to any DOM element to bind JSON, which will be written as HTML.
Binding Options:
Added binding options support, which is based on all the options available to "html()".
Binding Options - Custom Triggers:
Added binding option custom trigger "onBeforeRenderComplete", which fires before the rendering of an element.
Added binding option custom trigger "onRenderComplete", which fires when the rendering of an element is complete.
Public Functions:
Added a new public function called "renderAll()", which will find all the DOM elements with the attribute assigned and render their JSON as HTML.
Fixes & Improvements:
Fixed a major fault that caused the scope of the chained functions to fail when specific methods were called.
Updated the main project description.
You can’t perform that action at this time.