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Request caching

Wilker Lúcio edited this page Sep 25, 2017 · 2 revisions

As your queries grow, there are more and more optimizations that you can do avoid unnecessary IO or heavy computations. Here we are going to talk about a request cache, which is a fancy name for an atom that is initialized on every query and stays on the environment so you can share the cache across nodes. Let's see how we can use that to speed up our query processing:

(ns pathom-docs.request-cache
  (:require [com.wsscode.pathom.core :as p]))

(defn my-expensive-operation [env]
  ; the cache key can be anything; if we were had an extra
  ; variable here, like some id, a good cache key would be
  ; like: [::my-expensive-operation id]
  (p/cached env :my-key
    ; we are going to send an atom with an int so that we can count
    ; how many times this was called
    (let [counter (:counter env)]
      ; a secondary sign if cache is working, let's make a delay
      (Thread/sleep 1000)
      ; increment and return
      (swap! counter inc))))

(def computed
  {:cached my-expensive-operation})

; a reader that just flows, until it reaches a leaf
(defn flow-reader [{:keys [query] :as env}]
  (if query
    (p/join env)

(def parser
  (p/parser {::p/plugins [(p/env-plugin {::p/reader [computed
                          ; add the request cache plugin for cache initialization

  (parser {:counter (atom 0)}
          [:x :y :cached
           {:z [:foo {:bar [:cached]} :cached]}]))
; "Elapsed time: 1006.760165 msecs"
; =>
; {:x      :leaf
;  :y      :leaf
;  :cached 1
;  :z      {:foo    :leaf
;           :bar    {:cached 1}
;           :cached 1}}

Remember this cache is per request, so after a full query gets finished, the atom is discarded. If you want to make a cache that's more durable (that retains information across requests), check the Plugins documentation for more information on how to do that.

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