Generally I have faced problems for keeping dev, prod credentials(database, remote machine) in a text file and then copy command/password into terminal and connect. Then to figure out how much time I have expanded there on remote, I have to create too many aliases and keep in a bash file and wrap every alias with time start and end.
In this project, I would automate this work using rust. Mostly when we are running command, we have to pass env, command and arguments.
For example If we have to connect with postgre sql
PGPASSWORD="root" psql -h localhost -U root -d temp
For this, Firstly we have to create a json file with the following format and set the path in the environment variable.
export CONNECT_CONFIG=<json file path>
"prod_machine": {
"command": "ssh",
"args": ["[email protected]"],
"envs": {}
"dev_db": {
"command": "psql",
"args": ["-h", "", "-U", "root", "-d", "temp"],
"envs": {
"PGPASSWORD": "root"
Now build binaries using cargo build --release
and create an alias for running.
alias connect=./target/release/rs-connect
Now run command which you make keys in json at root level.
connect prod_machine
connect dev_db
For now library is supporting single command line arguments, command that you want to run.
- spent time
- export command logs and time
connect which prod*
, It will describe all command which have prefix withprod
- args --print-args, --print-envs, --print-command, --print, -h