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Pseudo Image Styling

Wiktoria Mielcarek edited this page Nov 6, 2021 · 1 revision

Image Styling

Adding images to your notes, can liven them up. You can now add pseudo-classnames to your images as alt-text, to create different kinds of image styles.

Pseudo Class Names

The new alt text for images to style them:

  • float-right: it floats right of the text, text wraps around image
  • float-left: it floats left of the text, text wraps around image
  • float-center: image is centered, text does not wrap around image
  • float-clear: it clears floating, so it doesn't affect this and the images after it
  • type-banner: gives the image a banner style
  • type-profile: makes the image profile/avatar sized
  • type-portait: image is displayed as portrait
  • radius-small: gives the image small rounded corners
  • radius-medium: gives the image medium rounded corners
  • radius-large: gives the image large rounded corners
  • radius-circle: makes the image have 50% rounded corners, for sqaure images it will be a circle, for rectangle images it will be oval
  • border-small: gives it a small yellow border
  • border-medium: gives it a medium yellow border
  • border-large: gives it a large yellow border

You can mix the alt texts to create your own style, for example
![float-left type-profile radius-circle border-medium](path/to/image.png)

The following image was used for these examples:

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