- php >=7.4
- node & yarn
- symfony binary
- docker desktop
1) download composer dependencies
make sure you have composer installed and then run:
composer install
you may alternatively need to run php composer.phar install
, depending
on how you installed composer.
2) database setup
make sure docker is downloaded and running on your machine. then, from inside the project, run:
docker-compose up -d
3) start webserver
if you're on a mac and are running the symfony server for the first time, in your terminal run
symfony server:ca:install
then, to start the webserver, from within the project directory run:
symfony serve -d
4) load database schema
to load the database schema, make sure the symfony binary is installed and from within the project directory run:
symfony console doctrine:migrations:migrate -n
5) install assets
to install the node packages and compile the assets, from within the project directory run:
yarn install --force
yarn run encore dev
6) visit application
follow the link displayed in your terminal at the end of step 3 (usually