This project is a TDD implementation of the xUnit testing framework using plain Java.
You can simply run the test and see the result by running main
in src/test/
This framework supports following features:
- Run testable method
- Support annotation based test
- Throw exception if test method is not found
- Run setUp() before testable method
- Must be run before each testable method
- Run tearDown() after testable method
- Must be run even if the testable method fails
- Collect testable results
- Collect failed test method names and causes.
- Run TestSuite a collection of testable cases and testable suites
- Collect testable cases
- Collect testable suites
JUnit create test class at once and run all test methods. But this project create each instance for running each test.
So in this case, you can run test class separately, for example, you don't have to care about that field value is
changed by others and affect other test method. But it is not good for performance and doesn't use properly setUp()
and tearDown()
which is designed for invoking before and after each test method.
title: Core classes
class Testable {
+run(TestResult testResult) void
Testable <|.. TestCase
Testable <|.. TestSuite
Testable <--* TestSuite
class TestCase {
-String testMethodName
+TestCase(String testMethodName)
+setUp() void
+tearDown() void
+run(TestResult testResut) void
class TestSuite {
-Set~Testable~ tests
+TestSuite(Class~TestCase~ tests)
+run(TestResult testResult) void
+add(Testable testable) void
Create your test class like JUnit inheriting TestCase
class. For instance, it is implemented as WasRun
class in this
title: Example test class
class TestCase {
-String testMethodName
+TestCase(String testMethodName)
+setUp() void
+tearDown() void
+run(TestResult testResut) void
TestCase <|-- WasRun
class WasRun {
+WasRun(String testMethodName)
+testMethod() void
+testBrokenMethod() void
The testMethod()
and testBrokenMethod()
of WasRun
can be to test. You can specify the test
method name with
the testMethodName
parameter of the TestCase
constructor. Then run()
method will run the test method and collect
test result.
Java 17