👋 Hello My name is YoungBeom Kim, I am a Ph.D. student working at "Crypto Optimization & Application LAb (COALA)"in Kookmin University
- My major is Cryptographic-mathematics📚, and I have been studying computer science💻 since 2019.
- I have project experience using "C"(My most confident language), "Assemnbly" & "Python", and "C++" languages.
- Currently, I am focusing on PQC hardware implementation using "Verilog".
- In addition, I have expert knowledge in extraction and cupping of "Coffee ☕️".
- Efficient implementation of Cryptographic Algorithm in a constrained device
- Cryptographic Module Validation Program (CMVP, Korea CMVP)
- PostQuantum-Cryptography (PQC)
- Metamorphic Testing for Cryptographic Algorithm
- SW/HW co-design implementation
You can check my projects and published papers in the "Notion" below.