Addax 4.2.0 has released! 🎉
Compatibility Break Release Note for Version 4.2.0
This release note outlines the changes introduced in Version 4.2.0 that may affect compatibility with previous versions. Please review these changes carefully to ensure a smooth transition.
The plugins before 4.2.0
can not used in the 4.2.0
because of the major changes in the plugin framework
40dad25 [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 4.2.0
e5f045c [update][action] Fix variable definition
cb47451 [update][docs] Update json layout for new version requirements
0ae2421 [feature][lib][rdbms] Add experimental support for DDL statement
04ee37c [update][lib][rdbms] Remove unused function parameters and improve code readability
3334246 [bugfix][lib][rdbms] Fix NullPointerException when password is not set
bcf76c9 [update][plugin][redisreader] Refactor connection.uri
to use a list instead of a string
ea35dae [bugfix][plugin][redisreader] Fix missing configuration for standalone mode
e681280 [update][lib][rdbms] Refactor writer.parameter.connection
to use a map instead of a list
e26003e [update][plugin][excelwriter] Simplify dependencies, add missing log4j-core deps
4ea03b3 [update][plugin][redisreader] Refactor connection
item from list to string
e9cdef5 [update][reader][rdbmsreader] Refactor connection
item from list to string
8ef27e9 [update][reader][mongodbreader] Refactor connection
item from list to string
283f1b9 [update][plugin][influxdb2reader] Remove unused HTTPComponents dependencies
b9faed6 [update][plugin][influxdbreader] Migrate Apache HttpComponents from 4.x to 5.x
77a1fd7 [improve][core] Fallback to Addax engine for downloads when curl is unavailable
28baad9 [bugfix][script] fix incorrect module path
2705b0e [update][dep] Bump commons-codec:commons-codec from 1.15 to 1.17.1
09ab6d6 [update][reader][redisreader] Migrate Apache HttpComponents from 4.x to 5.x
febf6bd [update][workflow] Adjust maven compile options
47f7f76 [update][plugin][starrockswriter] Switch to HttpComponents 4.x due to incompatibility with Starrocks backend
3205a1d [update][plugin][clickhousewriter] Remove unused HTTPComponents dependencies
fada373 [update][plugin][doriswriter] Switch to HttpComponents 4.x due to incompatibility with Doris backend
1e84fbb [update][core] Migrate Apache HttpComponents from 4.x to 5.x
4abc386 [update][plugin][databendwriter] Remove unused HTTPComponents dependencies
ef2a867 [update][plugin][httpreader] Migrate Apache HttpComponents from 4.x to 5.x
c088d94 [update][action] Fix maven options
bd269f8 [update][dep] Bump some dependencies to latest version
87dc6f9 [update][action] Bump maven from 3.5.4 to 3.8.8
d3dd5e5 [update][reader][hbase20xsql] Use common split function
b8455b8 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:wgzhao/Addax
1c7e162 [update][lib][rdbms] Delete RdbmsRangeSplitWrap class, it's not used no longer
0db4dda [update][dep] Bump actions/setup-java from 4.3.0 to 4.4.0 (#1143)
da9150e [update][dep] Bump some dependencies to latest version
92a47be [update][script] Add support for remote deployment using
7942831 [improve][lib][rdbms] Refactor table split strategy (#1145)
291fd69 [update][lib][rdbms] It should split the table even when the is set to 1.
e7a0774 [improve][plugin][clickhousewriter] Optimize Codebase: Update JDBC Driver and Enhance HTTP Connections
0750c8b [bugfix][plugin][kafkareader] Resolve the issue of consumed data not being output by invoking the flush method
d057a05 [feature][plugin][jsonreader] Add support for multiline json file (#1140)
d6e586c Refactor ftpreader (#1139)
0822901 [update][scripts] Skip Java source and Java doc compile for building module
498a1f7 [update][plugin][excelreader] Minor code change
78c23e2 [update][dep] Bump org.apache.commons-io from 2.15.1 to 2.16.1
6479634 [update][core] Correct the dbf plugin name for the demo files.
9a937ea [update][lib][storage] Removed the unused method .
62b0627 [update][plugin][txtfilewriter] Made minor code changes and removed unused code.
7aa16da [improve][plugin][txtfilereader] Cancel the subsequent tasks if the list of files to read is empty.
18de511 Refactor wildcard file handling using Paths and Files classes (#1133)
4eef124 Refactor errorcode (#1132)
a891423 [update][plugin][hivereader] Simplify the exception handling to reduce complexity.
c7bc7ef [improve][plugin][s3writer] Improve performance by refactoring code
1a90bf4 [improve][plugin][s3reader] Improve performance by refactor codes
ecd236d [update][readme] Add missing databend logo
93b63e5 [improve][plugin][databendwriter] Handle binary / blob types as strings to avoid error
a07018c [update][dep] Bump com.databend:databend-jdbc from 0.1.2 to 0.3.2
4f300ef [update][dep] Bump org.apache.commons:commons-configuration2 from 2.9.0 to 2.11.0 (#1129)
43a50ef [update][dep] Bump fastjson2.version from 2.0.50 to 2.0.52 (#1115)
1d65baf [update][github][action] Generate dynamic changelog using git log
0d3ceb0 [update][dep] Bump com.github.luben:zstd-jni from 1.5.5-11 to 1.5.6-5 (#1118)
4746b55 [update][dep] Bump commons-cli:commons-cli from 1.6.0 to 1.9.0 (#1120)
6147e16 [update][dep] Bump org.apache.commons:commons-rng-simple from 1.5 to 1.6 (#1121)
bfd2903 [update][docker] Use label to replace deprecated maintainer
aa080ba [update][github][action] Bump maven version from 3.6.3 to 3.8.8
282dbea [update][github][action] migrate deprecating set-output commands
fa1e8ea [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration