Spring Boot application that runs hale transformations based on requests read from a AMQP message queue. The message queue needs to be provided externally, e.g. by a RabbitMQ instance.
To build the application, run
./gradlew build
To start an instance, run
./gradlew bootRun
To start a local RabbitMQ instance that can be used for debugging purposes, run
docker compose up
in the root directory of this project.
The local instance can be also used to send messages to the queue that are then processed by the application. When the application is running, an example message like the following can be sent to the queue:
$ docker exec -ti hale-transformer-api-rabbitmq-1 bash
root@123456789abc:/# rabbitmqadmin publish \
> exchange=hale-transformer-exchange \
> routing_key=hale.transformation.foo \
> properties='{"content_type":"application/json"}' payload='{"projectUrl": "http://example.org/proj", "sourceDataUrl": "http://example.org/data"}'
Message published