start_wesql_database.yml needs the following secrets to be configured in the repository settings:
- WESQL_OBJECTSTORE_ACCESS_KEY: Access key of the object store
- WESQL_OBJECTSTORE_SECRET_KEY: Secret key of the object store
- WESQL_OBJECTSTORE_REGION: Region of the object store
- WESQL_OBJECTSTORE_BUCKET: Bucket name of the object store
- WESQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: Root password of the MySQL database
The start_wesql_database.yml might be triggered automatically or you can trigger it manually.
Don't worry about the concurrency, the latest run will cancel the previous run.
You can check the logs of the Github Actions to see the progress.
You can check the connection info of the WeSQL database in the S3 bucket:
You can also use the following AWS CLI command to get the connection info:
$ aws s3 cp s3://wesql-free-bucket-1733972419-r4n3/connection_info.txt -
mysql_cli=mysql -h -P 40906 -u root -p<your-root-password>
$ mysql -h -P 40906 -u root -p<your-root-password>