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Iván Corrales Solera edited this page Dec 14, 2018 · 25 revisions

Stream Operations

Operation Description Since
Add It adds a new element in the last position v0.0.1
At It returns the element in the given position v0.0.1
Contains It checks if the given element is found in the stream. v0.0.1
Count It returns the number of elements in a stream v0.0.1
DeleteAt It remove the elements in the given position v0.0.3
Drop It removes an element from the stream v0.0.1
Filter It discards those elements that doesn't match with the provided filter v0.0.1
First It returns the element in the first position v0.0.1
ForEach It does something over all the elements in the stream. v0.0.1
IndexOf It returns the index of the element in the stream. v0.0.3
Last It returns the element in the last position v0.0.1
LastIndexOf It returns the last occurrence for the element in the stream. v0.0.3
Map It converts the element in the stream v0.0.1
Pop It extracts the first element in the stream and return this and the new stream v0.0.3
Reduce It reduceshe stream to a single value by executing a provided function for each value of the stream v0.0.1
RemoveDuplicates It removes duplicated elements. v0.0.1
Reverse It reverses the sequence of elements in the stream. v0.0.3
Set It replaces the element in the given index by the provided value v0.0.3
Sort It sorts the elements in the stream v0.0.1
Take It returns a stream with the elements between the given indexes v0.0.3