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Fixed bug related to picking top peaks. Changed methyl replacement al…
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…gorithm. Fixed shuffling bug and changed algorithm.
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jsonbrooks committed Oct 17, 2019
1 parent b472752 commit 4ae9565
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Showing 150 changed files with 1,523,152 additions and 417,745 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions build.gradle.kts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,6 +29,9 @@ dependencies {
compile("org.apache.commons", "commons-math3", "3.6.1")
compile("org.eclipse.collections", "eclipse-collections-api", "10.0.0")
compile("org.eclipse.collections", "eclipse-collections", "10.0.0")

implementation("com.squareup.moshi", "moshi-kotlin", "1.8.0")
testImplementation("org.junit.jupiter", "junit-jupiter", "5.4.0")
testCompile("org.assertj", "assertj-core", "3.11.1")
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123 changes: 76 additions & 47 deletions src/main/kotlin/App.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,26 +13,34 @@ fun main(args: Array<String>) = Cli().main(args)
class Cli : CliktCommand() {

private val peaks by option("--peaks", help = "path to peaks in narrowPeak format")
.path(exists = true).required()
.path(exists = true).required()
private val twoBit by option("--twobit", help = "path to two-bit file for this assembly")
.path(exists = true).required()
.path(exists = true).required()
private val chromInfo by option("--chrom-info", help = "path to chromosome lengths for this assembly")
.path(exists = true).required()
.path(exists = true).required()
private val offset by option("--offset", help = "offset, in bp, to shift peaks")
private val outputDir by option("--output-dir", help = "path to write output")
private val chrFilter by option("--chrom-filter",
help = "chromosomes to filter out before running MEME.").multiple()
private val methylBed by option("--methyl-bed", help = "path to optional methylation state @CpG bed file")
private val shuffleOutputsPerInput by option("--shuffle-outputs-per-input",
help = "Number of shuffled sequences to fetch per input sequence")
private val shuffleGCTolerance by option("--shuffle-gc-tolerance",
help = "Acceptable distance from input gc content for fetching output sequences during shuffle as percentage (as integer 0-100)")
private val methylBeds by option("--methyl-beds", help = "path to optional methylation state @CpG bed file")
.path(exists = true)
private val methylPercentThreshold by option("--methyl-percent-threshold",
help = "the percentage over which we will use a methylation site from the methylation bed file.")

override fun run() {
val cmdRunner = DefaultCmdRunner()
cmdRunner.runTask(peaks, twoBit, chromInfo, offset, outputDir, chrFilter.toSet(), methylBed, methylPercentThreshold)
cmdRunner.runTask(peaks, twoBit, chromInfo, offset, outputDir, chrFilter.toSet(), shuffleOutputsPerInput,
shuffleGCTolerance, methylBeds, methylPercentThreshold)

Expand All @@ -44,11 +52,12 @@ class Cli : CliktCommand() {
* @param offset amount to shift peaks when creating summits
* @param outputDir directory to put output files
* @param chrFilter set of chromosomes to filter out before running
* @param methylBed methylated state @CpG file used for runs that create motifs with methyl base pairs
* @param methylBeds methylated state @CpG files used for runs that create motifs with methyl base pairs
* @param methylPercentThreshold the percentage over which we will use a methylation site
fun CmdRunner.runTask(peaks: Path, twoBit: Path, chromInfo: Path, offset: Int, outputDir: Path,
chrFilter: Set<String>? = null, methylBed: Path? = null, methylPercentThreshold: Int? = null) {
chrFilter: Set<String>? = null, shuffleOutputsPerInput: Int, shuffleGCTolerance: Int,
methylBeds: List<Path> = listOf(), methylPercentThreshold: Int = 0) { {
Running Meme task for
Expand All @@ -58,103 +67,123 @@ fun CmdRunner.runTask(peaks: Path, twoBit: Path, chromInfo: Path, offset: Int, o
offset: $offset
outputDir: $outputDir
chromFilter: $chrFilter
methylBed: $methylBed
methylBed: $methylBeds
methylPercentThreshold: $methylPercentThreshold
val outPrefix = peaks.fileName.toString().split(".").first()
val chromSizes = parseChromSizes(chromInfo)

val methylData = if (methylBeds.isNotEmpty()) parseMethylBeds(methylBeds, methylPercentThreshold) else null

// Rewrite peaks names, apply chrom filter and filter peaks without methylated states (if methyl bed is given)
// Name rewrite is necessary because given peaks input may not include them { "Creating cleaned peaks file..." }
val cleanedPeaks = outputDir.resolve("$outPrefix$CLEANED_BED_SUFFIX")
cleanPeaks(peaks, chrFilter, methylBed, methylPercentThreshold, cleanedPeaks)
cleanPeaks(peaks, chrFilter, methylData, cleanedPeaks) { "Cleaned peaks file complete!" }

runMemeSteps(outPrefix, cleanedPeaks, twoBit, chromSizes, offset, outputDir, chrFilter,
methylBed, methylPercentThreshold)
runMemeSteps(outPrefix, cleanedPeaks, twoBit, chromSizes, offset, outputDir, chrFilter, methylData)

val summitsFile = outputDir.resolve("$outPrefix$SUMMITS_FILE_SUFFIX")
val memeOutDir = outputDir.resolve("$outPrefix$MEME_DIR_SUFFIX")
val top500CenterSeqsFile = outputDir.resolve("$outPrefix$TOP500_SEQS_CENTER_SUFFIX")
runQualitySteps(outPrefix, summitsFile, memeOutDir, top500CenterSeqsFile, twoBit, outputDir, chromSizes,
methylBed, methylPercentThreshold)

runOccurrencesSteps(outPrefix, cleanedPeaks, twoBit, outputDir, methylBed, methylPercentThreshold)
runPostMemeSteps(outPrefix, summitsFile, memeOutDir, cleanedPeaks, top500CenterSeqsFile, twoBit,
outputDir, chromSizes, shuffleOutputsPerInput, shuffleGCTolerance, methylData)

* Run Meme pre-processing and Meme steps
fun CmdRunner.runMemeSteps(outPrefix: String, cleanedPeaks: Path, twoBit: Path, chromSizes: Map<String, Int>,
offset: Int, outputDir: Path, chrFilter: Set<String>? = null,
methylBed: Path? = null, methylPercentThreshold: Int? = null) {
offset: Int, outputDir: Path, chrFilter: Set<String>? = null, methylData: MethylData? = null) {
// Create summits file { "Creating peak summits file..." }
val summitsFile = outputDir.resolve("$outPrefix$SUMMITS_FILE_SUFFIX")
summits(cleanedPeaks, chromSizes, 150, summitsFile, offset, chrFilter) { "Peak summits File creation complete!" }

// Run MEME on top 500 peaks { "Creating fasta file from top 500 summits..." }
val top500SeqsFile = outputDir.resolve("$outPrefix$TOP500_SEQS_SUFFIX")
val top500CenterSeqsFile = outputDir.resolve("$outPrefix$TOP500_SEQS_CENTER_SUFFIX")
peaksToFasta(summitsFile, twoBit, top500SeqsFile, methylBed, methylPercentThreshold,
0 until 500)
peaksToFasta(summitsFile, twoBit, top500SeqsFile, methylData, 0 until 500) { "Top 500 fasta file creation complete!" } { "Centering top 500 sequences..." }
fastaCenter(top500SeqsFile, 100, top500CenterSeqsFile) { "Centering top 500 sequences complete!" } { "Running meme on top 500 centered peaks..." }
val memeOutDir = outputDir.resolve("$outPrefix$MEME_DIR_SUFFIX")
val useMotifAlphabet = methylBed != null
val useMotifAlphabet = methylData != null
meme(top500CenterSeqsFile, memeOutDir, useMotifAlphabet) { "Top 500 centered peaks meme run complete!" }

// Length of sequences to use for peak centers, flanks, and shuffled regions
const val SEQUENCE_LENGTH = 100

* Run post-Meme quality related steps
fun CmdRunner.runQualitySteps(outPrefix: String, summitsFile: Path, memeDir: Path, top500CenterSeqsFile: Path,
twoBit: Path, outputDir: Path, chromSizes: Map<String, Int>,
methylBed: Path? = null, methylPercentThreshold: Int? = null) {
fun CmdRunner.runPostMemeSteps(outPrefix: String, summitsFile: Path, memeDir: Path, cleanedPeaks: Path,
top500CenterSeqsFile: Path, twoBit: Path, outputDir: Path, chromSizes: Map<String, Int>,
shuffleOutputsPerInput: Int, shuffleGCTolerance: Int, methylData: MethylData? = null) {
// Run FIMO against peaks 501-1000 center and flanks { "Generating 501-1000 peaks centers and flanks..." }
val next500SeqsFile = outputDir.resolve("$outPrefix$NEXT500_SEQS_SUFFIX")
val next500CenterSeqsFile = outputDir.resolve("$outPrefix$NEXT500_SEQS_CENTER_SUFFIX")
val next500FlankSeqsFile = outputDir.resolve("$outPrefix$NEXT500_SEQS_FLANK_SUFFIX")
peaksToFasta(summitsFile, twoBit, next500SeqsFile, methylBed, methylPercentThreshold,
500 until 1000)
fastaCenter(next500SeqsFile, 100, next500CenterSeqsFile, next500FlankSeqsFile)
peaksToFasta(summitsFile, twoBit, next500SeqsFile, methylData, 500 until 1000)
fastaCenter(next500SeqsFile, SEQUENCE_LENGTH, next500CenterSeqsFile, next500FlankSeqsFile) { "501-1000 peaks centers and flanks generation complete!" } { "Running FIMO on 501-1000 peaks centers..." }
val memeTxtFile = memeDir.resolve(MEME_TXT_FILENAME)
val next500CenterFimoDir = outputDir.resolve(CENTER_FIMO_DIR_SUFFIX)
val next500CenterFimoDir = outputDir.resolve("$outPrefix$CENTER_FIMO_DIR_SUFFIX")
fimo(memeTxtFile, next500CenterSeqsFile, next500CenterFimoDir) { "FIMO run on 501-1000 peaks centers complete!" } { "Running FIMO on 501-1000 peaks flanks..." }
val next500FlankFimoDir = outputDir.resolve(FLANK_FIMO_DIR_SUFFIX)
fimo(memeTxtFile, next500FlankSeqsFile, next500FlankFimoDir) { "FIMO run on 501-1000 peaks flanks complete!" }

// Run FIMO against 100x random sequences from reference genome (with matching length and gc content)
val randomSeqFile = outputDir.resolve("$outPrefix$SHUFFLED_SEQS_SUFFIX")
val randomFimoDir = outputDir.resolve(SHUFFLED_FIMO_DIR_SUFFIX)
randomSequences(twoBit, top500CenterSeqsFile, randomSeqFile, 100, chromSizes, 0.05,
methylBed, methylPercentThreshold) { "Generating Shuffled sequences..." }
randomSequences(twoBit, top500CenterSeqsFile, randomSeqFile, shuffleOutputsPerInput, chromSizes, SEQUENCE_LENGTH,
shuffleGCTolerance, methylData) { "Shuffled sequence generation complete!" } { "Running FIMO on shuffled sequences..." }
fimo(memeTxtFile, randomSeqFile, randomFimoDir) { "FIMO run on shuffled sequences complete!" }

// Run Motif Quality step
val memeXmlFile = memeDir.resolve(MEME_XML_FILENAME)
val outJsonFile = outputDir.resolve("$outPrefix$MOTIFS_JSON_SUFFIX")
motifQuality(memeXmlFile, next500CenterFimoDir, randomFimoDir, next500FlankFimoDir, outJsonFile)

* Run occurrences file creation related steps
fun CmdRunner.runOccurrencesSteps(outPrefix: String, cleanedPeaks: Path, twoBit: Path, outputDir: Path,
methylBed: Path? = null, methylPercentThreshold: Int? = null) {
// Create fasta file containing sequences for original input peaks file { "Creating fasta from original cleaned peaks..." }
val originalPeaksFastaFile = outputDir.resolve("$outPrefix$SEQS_SUFFIX")
peaksToFasta(cleanedPeaks, twoBit, originalPeaksFastaFile, methylBed, methylPercentThreshold, null)
peaksToFasta(cleanedPeaks, twoBit, originalPeaksFastaFile, methylData, null) { "Fasta from original cleaned peaks complete!" }

// Run FIMO against original peaks sequences
val memeOutDir = outputDir.resolve("$outPrefix$MEME_DIR_SUFFIX")
val memeTxtFile = memeOutDir.resolve(MEME_TXT_FILENAME) { "Running FIMO on original peaks fasta..." }
val originalPeaksFimoDir = outputDir.resolve("$outPrefix$FIMO_SUFFIX")
fimo(memeTxtFile, originalPeaksFastaFile, originalPeaksFimoDir) { "FIMO run on original peaks fasta complete!" }

// Convert FIMO Occurrences to custom Occurrences TSV with absolute positioned ranges { "Creation occurrences.tsv..." }
val originalPeaksFimoTsv = originalPeaksFimoDir.resolve(FIMO_TSV_FILENAME)
val occurrencesTsv = outputDir.resolve("$outPrefix$OCCURRENCES_SUFFIX")
occurrencesTsv(originalPeaksFimoTsv, cleanedPeaks, occurrencesTsv)
} { "occurrences.tsv creation complete!" }

// Create motifs json { "Creating motifs.json file..." }
val memeXmlFile = memeDir.resolve(MEME_XML_FILENAME)
val outJsonFile = outputDir.resolve("$outPrefix$MOTIFS_JSON_SUFFIX")
motifJson(memeXmlFile, originalPeaksFimoDir, next500CenterFimoDir, randomFimoDir, next500FlankFimoDir, outJsonFile) { "motifs.json file creation complete!" }
8 changes: 3 additions & 5 deletions src/main/kotlin/step/CleanPeaks.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,16 +6,14 @@ import java.nio.file.Path
* Rewrites narrowPeaks files with new names.
* Optionally filters out chromosomes that do not match given filter
* If a methylation state bed file is given, filters out peaks that don't intersect with any bases
* in a methyl bed file
* If methylation state data file is given, filters out peaks that don't intersect with any bases in it
* @param peaksBed the peaks file
* @param chrFilter Optional set of chromsomes to filter against. Anything not included is filtered out.
* @param methylBed the methyl bed file
* @param methylData the methyl bed file
* @param out the file to the filtered peaks results to
fun cleanPeaks(peaksBed: Path, chrFilter: Set<String>?, methylBed: Path?, methylPercentThreshold: Int?, out: Path) {
val methylData = if (methylBed != null) parseMethylBed(methylBed, methylPercentThreshold) else null
fun cleanPeaks(peaksBed: Path, chrFilter: Set<String>?, methylData: MethylData?, out: Path) {
val filteredPeaks = mutableListOf<PeaksRow>()
var peakCount = 0
readPeaksFile(peaksBed) { row ->
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,8 +19,12 @@ data class OutputMotif(
@Json(name = "e_value") val eValue: Double,
// the number of occurrences found by MEME in the top 500
val sites: Int,
// Ratio of occurrences for this motif to total regions
@Json(name = "occurrences_ratio") val occurrencesRatio: Double,
// Number of original peaks
@Json(name = "original_peaks") val originalPeaks: Int,
// Number of occurrences in original peaks
@Json(name = "original_peaks_occurrences") val originalPeaksOccurrences: Int,
// Ratio of occurrences to sequences in top 501-1000 for this motif
@Json(name = "lesser_peaks_occurrences_ratio") val lesserPeaksOccurrencesRatio: Double,
// Control data from flank sequences
@Json(name = "flank_control_data") val flankControlData: MotifControlData,
// Control data from shuffled sequences
Expand All @@ -37,44 +41,56 @@ data class MotifControlData(
* Run our final step that puts together our meme output quality scores we calculate based our fimo results.
* @param memeXml path to results of MEME run. This contains our motifs for top 500 peaks, centered.
* @param peaksFimoDir path to results of FIMO run against 501-1000 peaks centers.
* @param origPeaksFimoDir path to results of FIMO run against original (cleaned) peaks.
* @param next500FimoDir path to results of FIMO run against 501-1000 peaks centers.
* @param shuffledFimoDir path to results of FIMO run against shuffled sequences pulled randomly from reference genome.
* @param flankFimoDir path to results of FIMO run againt 501-1000 peaks flanks.
* @param outJson path for output json file.
fun motifQuality(memeXml: Path, peaksFimoDir: Path, shuffledFimoDir: Path, flankFimoDir: Path, outJson: Path) {
fun motifJson(memeXml: Path, origPeaksFimoDir: Path, next500FimoDir: Path, shuffledFimoDir: Path,
flankFimoDir: Path, outJson: Path) {
val memeMotifs = parseMotifs(memeXml)
val memeMotifNames = { }
val peaksOccurrenceRatios = motifOccurrencesRatios(peaksFimoDir, memeMotifNames)

val origPeaksFimoXml = origPeaksFimoDir.resolve(FIMO_XML_FILENAME)
val origPeaks = parseNumSequences(origPeaksFimoXml)

val origPeaksFimoTsv = origPeaksFimoDir.resolve(FIMO_TSV_FILENAME)
val origPeaksOccurrences = motifOccurrencesCounts(origPeaksFimoTsv)

val lesserPeaksOccurrenceRatios = motifOccurrencesRatios(next500FimoDir, memeMotifNames)
val flankOccurrenceRatios = motifOccurrencesRatios(flankFimoDir, memeMotifNames)
val shuffledOccurrenceRatios = motifOccurrencesRatios(shuffledFimoDir, memeMotifNames)

val outputMotifs = mutableListOf<OutputMotif>()
for (memeMotif in memeMotifs) {
val motifName =
val peaksOccurrenceRatioData = peaksOccurrenceRatios.getValue(motifName)
val lesserPeaksOccurrenceRatioData = lesserPeaksOccurrenceRatios.getValue(motifName)

val flankOccurrenceRatioData = flankOccurrenceRatios.getValue(motifName)
val flankZScore = compareOccurrenceProportions(peaksOccurrenceRatioData, flankOccurrenceRatioData)
val flankZScore = compareOccurrenceProportions(lesserPeaksOccurrenceRatioData, flankOccurrenceRatioData)
val flankPValue = zScoreToPValue(flankZScore)

val shuffledOccurrenceRatio = shuffledOccurrenceRatios.getValue(motifName)
val shuffledZScore = compareOccurrenceProportions(peaksOccurrenceRatioData, shuffledOccurrenceRatio)
val shuffledZScore = compareOccurrenceProportions(lesserPeaksOccurrenceRatioData, shuffledOccurrenceRatio)
val shuffledPValue = zScoreToPValue(shuffledZScore)

outputMotifs += OutputMotif(
name = motifName,
pwm = memeMotif.pwm,
eValue = memeMotif.eValue,
sites = memeMotif.sites,
occurrencesRatio = peaksOccurrenceRatios.getValue(motifName).ratio,
originalPeaks = origPeaks,
originalPeaksOccurrences = origPeaksOccurrences.getValue(motifName),
lesserPeaksOccurrencesRatio = lesserPeaksOccurrenceRatios.getValue(motifName).ratio,
flankControlData = MotifControlData(flankOccurrenceRatioData.ratio, flankZScore, flankPValue),
shuffledControlData = MotifControlData(shuffledOccurrenceRatio.ratio, shuffledZScore, shuffledPValue)
val moshi = Moshi.Builder().add(KotlinJsonAdapterFactory()).build()
val adapter = moshi.adapter<List<OutputMotif>>(
.indent(" ")
val outputJsonText = adapter.toJson(outputMotifs)
Files.newBufferedWriter(outJson, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING)
Expand Down

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