Command-line utility for performing mass edits on wikis using the MediaWiki API. Made with Python, inspired by AutoWikiBrowser.
git clone [email protected]:wendellavila/mediawiki_pybot.git
# or
git clone
cd mediawiki_pybot
# make file executable
chmod +x
# run
python3 --help
usage: mediawiki_pybot [-h] operation ...
Command-line utility for performing mass edits on wikis using the MediaWiki API.
Written with Python.
positional arguments:
operation allowed values: {save, pagelist, edit, create}
save stores login credentials locally. for options see 'mediawiki_pybot
save --help'.
pagelist generates list of pages to be edited. for options see 'mediawiki_
pybot pagelist --help'.
edit perform mass edits on pages from a pagelist. for options see
'mediawiki_pybot edit --help'.
create mass create pages. for options see 'mediawiki_pybot create
-h, --help show this help message and exit
python3 save --help
usage: mediawiki_pybot save [-h] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [--url URL]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
bot account username
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
bot password (obtain credentials via
--url URL mediawiki api endpoint url
python3 pagelist --help
usage: mediawiki_pybot pagelist [-h] -s SOURCE -t TARGET [--clear]
[--save-path SAVE_PATH] [-l LIMIT]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SOURCE, --source SOURCE
Type of source for pagelist generation. allowed values:
{category, specialpage, linkshere, transcludedin,
fileusage, images, links, redirects, templates,
usercontribs} category: Get pages pertaining to a
category. specialpage: Uses a page in the Special:
namespace to get a list of pages. linkshere:
WhatLinksHere - Get pages linking to a given page.
transcludedin: WhatTranscludesPage - Get pages that
transclude a given page. fileusage: Get pages currently
using a given image or video. images: Get images used in
a given page. links: Get pages linked from a given page.
redirects: Get pages that redirect to a given page.
templates: Get templates in use in a given page.
usercontribs: Get all contributions from a given user.
-t TARGET, --target TARGET
argument for pagelist generation (page name, category
name, etc.)
--clear if set, pagelist will be overwritten instead of
--save-path SAVE_PATH
save pagelist to a text file in a custom location
-l LIMIT, --limit LIMIT
max number of pages to be returned
only return pages in certain namespaces. format=
python3 edit --help
usage: mediawiki_pybot edit [-h] [-s SUBSTITUTION] [-a APPEND] [-p PREPEND]
[--summary SUMMARY] [--pagelist-path PAGELIST_PATH]
[--skip-if SKIP_IF] [--skip-ifnot SKIP_IFNOT]
[-d DELAY]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
path to a text file containing a list of text/regex
substitutions to be applied when editing pages. See
substitution_example.txt for usage.
-a APPEND, --append APPEND
string to be appended to pages when editing
-p PREPEND, --prepend PREPEND
string to be prepended to pages when editing
--summary SUMMARY edit summary
--pagelist-path PAGELIST_PATH
loads a pagelist file from a custom location
--skip-if SKIP_IF pages that contain given string or regex won't be edited
--skip-ifnot SKIP_IFNOT
pages that doesn't contain given string or regex won't
be edited
-d DELAY, --delay DELAY
delay between each edit, in seconds
python3 create --help
usage: mediawiki_pybot create [-h] -c CONTENT [-p PAGELIST_PATH] [-s SUMMARY] [-d DELAY]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CONTENT, --content CONTENT
content to be added to each page
loads a pagelist file from a custom location
-s SUMMARY, --summary SUMMARY
edit summary
-d DELAY, --delay DELAY
delay between each edit, in seconds
First, make sure you have a bot account with permission to edit in the desired wiki.
You can get your bot username and password by going to Special:BotPasswords in the wiki you're editing.
For more information on bot accounts and bot passwords, see: Help:Bots on FANDOM Community Central.
Then run:
python3 save --username myusername --password mypassword --url
Generating a list of pages to edit
# Getting all pages in Category:Bands
python3 pagelist --source category --target Bands
Editing pages
# Using the substitution patterns configured in substitution_example.txt and appending a category to the page
python3 edit --substitution substitution_example.txt --append "[[Category:My Edits]]" --summary "Editing pages with mediawiki_pybot"
Generating a list of pages to create
# Getting all pages in Special:WantedCategories
python3 pagelist --source specialpage --target WantedCategories
Creating pages
# Creating pages with wikitext content
python3 create --content "==Description==
This is a category page." --summary "Creating pages with MediaWiki Pybot"