This is a small wrapper around for SQLite (version 3) for the D programming language. It provides a simple "object-oriented" interface to the SQLite database engine.
// Note: exception handling is left aside for clarity.
// Open a database in memory.
auto db = Database(":memory:");
// Create a table
"CREATE TABLE person (
score FLOAT,
photo BLOB
// Populate the table
// Prepare an INSERT statement
auto statement = db.prepare(
"INSERT INTO person (name, score, photo)
VALUES (:name, :score, :photo)"
// Bind values one by one (by parameter name or index)
statement.bind(":name", "John");
statement.bind(":score", 77.5);
statement.bind(3, [0xDE, 0xEA, 0xBE, 0xEF]);
statement.reset(); // Need to reset the statement after execution.
// Bind muliple values at once
statement.bindAll("John", 46.8, null);
// Count the changes
assert(db.totalChanges == 2);
// Count the Johns in the table.
auto count = db.execute("SELECT count(*) FROM person WHERE name == 'John'")
assert(count == 2);
// Read the data from the table lazily
auto results = db.execute("SELECT * FROM person");
foreach (row; results)
// Retrieve "id", which is the column at index 0, and contains an int,
// e.g. using the peek function (best performance).
auto id = row.peek!long(0);
// Retrieve "name", e.g. using opIndex(string), which returns a ColumnData.
auto name = row["name"].as!string;
// Retrieve "score", which is at index 3, e.g. using the peek function.
auto score = row.peek!double("score");
// Retrieve "photo", e.g. using opIndex(index),
// which returns a ColumnData.
auto photo = row[3].as!(ubyte[]);
// ... and use all these data!
// Read all the table in memory at once
auto data = RowCache(db.execute("SELECT * FROM person"));
foreach (row; data)
auto id = row[0].as!long;
auto last = row["name"];
auto score = row["score"].as!double;
auto photo = row[3].as!(ubyte[]);
// etc.
License: BSL 1.0
Copyright 2011-14, Nicolas Sicard