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Stories in Ready CircleCI

This is the repository for the ROS based robot lisa, which is an autonomous RC car controller.


You either need to have a full ROS jade install, or you can use the provided Vagrantfile. If you'd like to go that route, install VirtualBox and Vagrant. Then you can do:

vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant # This folder is linked to the repo folder on your host
source devel/setup.bash

Then you can do normal ROS stuff from there. You probably want an X server link to Vagrant installed so you can launch ROS's interactive tools and they'll come up on your host. For example, with OSX you can install XQuartz and then X windows will come back to your host.

Start roscore and log helpers

rosrun rqt_console rqt_console
rosrun rqt_logger_level rqt_logger_level
rosrun tf static_transform_publisher 0 0 0 0 0 0 "map" "lisa" 100

The rqt_console and rqt_logger_level command will popup the GUIs in which you can set log levels and view ouptut. The static transform publisher will just run but allows the various rviz integrations and graphing to work.



You can start the core LISA nodes (i.e. roscore, localizer, waypoint manager, etc.) by using roslaunch:

roslaunch core.launch

If you want to teleoperate, watch on rviz, simulate, etc. you'll need to run specific nodes below.


rosrun lisa localizer

The localizer is responsible for tracing the robots position using sensor data.


  • /lisa/sensors/wheel_encoder - Wheel encoder data, always represents latest.
  • /lisa/sensors/imu - IMU data, always represents the latest.


  • /lisa/pose - The pose (stamped) of the robot; i.e. its position and orientation.


rosrun lisa navigator

The navigator is responsible for listening to goals and poses and sending command instructions for steering and velocity.


  • /lisa/pose - The robots current pose.
  • /lisa/goal - The robots current goal.


  • /lisa/cmd_steering - The target steering from [-1.0,1.0]; this is unitless and is meant to represent steer all left (1.0) and all right (-1.0) and continously in between.
  • /lisa/cmd_velocity - The target velocity in m/s.


  • /navigator/start - Starts navigation of the robot according to the goal topic.
  • /navigator/stop - Stops navigation and the robot..

Waypoint Manager

rosrun lisa waypoint_manager

The waypoint manager is responsible for accumulating waypoints and updating LISA's internal goal based on the next waypoint.


  • /move_base_simple/goal - Adds a goal (in-order) as a waypoint; can be used with RViz '2D Nav Goal'.
  • /lisa/pose - The pose (stamped) of the robot; i.e. its position and orientation.


  • /visualization_marker - The goals/waypoints received as SPHERE markers.
  • /lisa/goal - The goals/waypoints received as SPHERE markers.


  • /waypoint_manager/clear - Clears any current waypoints.
  • /waypoint_manager/reset - Resets to the first waypoint.

Teleoperator (Keyboard)

rosrun lisa teleop_key

The Teleoperator (Keyboard) listens to the keyboard and publishes steering and velocity messages.


  • /lisa/cmd_steering - The target steering from [-1.0,1.0]; this is unitless and is meant to represent steer all left (1.0) and all right (-1.0) and continously in between.
  • /lisa/cmd_velocity - The target velocity in m/s.

IMU Simulator

rosrun lisa imu_simulator

The IMU Simulator listens to steering and velocity messages and generates IMU messages that simulate the robots behavior.


  • /lisa/cmd_steering - The target steering from [-1.0,1.0]; this is unitless and is meant to represent steer all left (1.0) and all right (-1.0) and continously in between.
  • /lisa/cmd_velocity - The target velocity in m/s.


  • /lisa/sensors/imu - The IMU values.

Wheel Encoder Simulator

rosrun lisa wheel_encoder_simulator

The Wheel Encoder Simulator listens to velocity messages and generates wheel encoder messages that simulate the robots behavior.


  • /lisa/cmd_velocity - The target velocity in m/s.


  • /lisa/sensors/wheel_encoder - The wheel encoder values.


rosrun rviz rviz --display-config default.rviz

This starts rviz with the proscribed configuration. Changes to the running app won't be saved to the config unless you manually save them.


To listen to any publshed topic above use rostopic echo <topic>; for example to listen to pose:

rostopic echo /lisa/pose

In order to publish fake data on sensors, commands, etc. you can directly publish to the topics using rostopic pub ....

Wheel Encoder

rostopic pub -1 /lisa/sensors/wheel_encoder std_msgs/UInt32 '<ticks>'

The <ticks> value should be the wheel encoder ticks value.


rostopic pub -1 /lisa/sensors/imu sensor_msgs/Imu -- '[0, [0,0], "lisa"]' '<orientation>' '<orientation_covariance>' '<angular>' '<angular_covariance>' '<linear>' '<linear_covariance>'
  • <orientation> is a quaternion and should be an array of four doubles [x, y, z, w].
  • <angular> is a vector3 for angular velocity and array of three doubles [x, y, z].
  • <linear> is a vector3 for linear velocity and array of three doubles [x, y, z].
  • <*_covariance> is an array of nine doubles; should be all zeros for unknown.

A quaternion can be computed using; put degrees in for Z and then z = <q1> and w = <q4>.

For example for PI/2 (90 deg) rotation:

rostopic pub -1 /lisa/sensors/imu sensor_msgs/Imu -- '[0, [0,0], "lisa"]' '[0.0, 0.0, 0.707, 0.707]' '[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]' '[0,0,0]' '[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]' '[0,0,0]' '[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]'

Robot Commands

Start and Stop

rosservice call /navigator/start
rosservice call /navigator/stop


rostopic pub -1 /lisa/cmd_steering st_msgs/Float64 '<steering>'
rostopic pub -1 /lisa/cmd_velocity st_msgs/Float64 '<velocity>'
  • <steering> is a unitless value within [-1.0,1.0] to represent the amount of steering from all left (1.0) to all right (-1.0).
  • <velocity> is the target velocity in m/s.

For example for 1 m/s turning a litle to the left:

rostopic pub -1 /lisa/cmd_steering st_msgs/Float64 '0.25'
rostopic pub -1 /lisa/cmd_velocity st_msgs/Float64 '1.0'


To add a waypoint to the current list

rostopic pub -1 /lisa/sensors/imu sensor_msgs/Imu -- '[0, [0,0], "lisa"]' '<position>' '<orientation>'
  • <position> is a 3d point and should be an array of three doubles [x, y, z].
  • <orientation> is a quaternion and should be an array of four doubles [x, y, z, w]. NOTE: The waypoint only pays attention to position.x and position.y currently.


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Contributors 4
