Collect proberequests from wifi the redis-server dependency here means a redis server needs to be available, it does not have to be on the same machine.
This data can then be visualised by
Channels hops wifi devices, takes multiple --device= arguments will insure no wifi device listens on the same channel, if there are more devices than channels, extra devices will not be set. Example: ./ --device=mon1 --device=mon2 Depends on:
- perl
- wireless-tools
Collect probe-requests from a wifi device (needs monitoring mode) Example: ./collector --device=mon1 Depends on:
- redis-server
- tshark
- perl
- libredis-perl (Redis)
- libjson-perl (JSON)
- (optional) libprotocol-osc-perl (Protocol::OSC)
Dumps the redis database to json, either to STDOUT or a file Example: ./ --output=dump.json Depends on:
- redis-server
- perl
- libredis-perl (Redis)
- libjson-perl (JSON)
Serves the redis database as JSON via a webserver Example: ./ --listenport=8080 Depends on:
- redis-server
- perl
- libredis-perl (Redis)
- libjson-perl (JSON)
- libpoe-perl (POE:Component::Server::TCP, POE::Filter::HTTPD)
- libhttp-message-perl (HTTP::Response)
Serves the redis database as JSON via a webserver Example: ./ --listenport=8080 Depends on:
- redis-server
- perl
- libredis-perl (Redis)
- libjson-perl (JSON)
- libdancer2-perl (Dancer2)
Can handle webrequests such as: /all # all keys/ssids /match/foo # glob matched keys/ssids /exclude/key1/key2/ # blacklisting keys/ssids
- sudo /sbin/iw phy interface add type monitor
- sudo /sbin/ip link set up dev