Twitter Bootstrap skin for Weblocks. Supports forms (most of field types), gridedit (with pagination), navigation.
Inherit your application from 'twitter-bootstrap-webapp
to make skin work.
Use following snippet when defining application for this.
; Example of defwebapp
(defwebapp media-library
:prefix "/"
:description "Media library"
; Bottom is important string
:subclasses (weblocks-twitter-bootstrap-application:twitter-bootstrap-webapp)
:init-user-session 'media-library::init-user-session
:autostart nil ;; have to start the app manually
:debug t)
Also you can use following snippet in your initial app for testing, it should be pretty displayed when all is ok.
(defun init-user-session (root)
(setf (widget-children root)
(list (lambda (&rest args)
(:div :class "page-header" (:h1 "Happy Hacking!")))))))
There is an additional navigation template in theme package. Here is snippet for making your navigation look like this
; ... some code with navigation items
:navigation-class 'bootstrap-navbar-navigation)
Package contains replacement for standard Weblocks navigation widget. It uses bootstrap navbar look -
It does not work with urls properly beacause of different routing system not yet included into Weblocks. But it may be used as tab widget.
Replace make-navigation
with weblocks-twitter-bootstrap-application:make-navbar-selector
and remove any keyword parameters from call to use it.
(list "Nav item 1" "Widget 1 itself" nil)
(list "Nav item 2" "Widget 2 itself" "some-url-for-future")
; ... some other navigation items
## Using flashes
It is better to use ```'weblocks-twitter-bootstrap-application:bootstrap-flash``` instead of ```'weblocks:flash```
It has working close button.
## Assets dependencies
Package uses weblocks assets so all dependencies should be installed automatically.