4.6.0 (2020-07-21)
Bug Fixes
api-headless-cms: update hook plugin name to be entry specific (9394b36 )
api-page-builder: always remove trailing slash from domain in settings (59af6bd )
app-headless-cms: add description
props to SingleFile (085df03 )
app-headless-cms: add localized value via useI18N
(5ecf00c )
app-headless-cms: disable add index
button (bfd1665 )
app-headless-cms: fix field
and bind
props (36c314e )
app-headless-cms: update checkboxes
field renderer (9360b54 )
app-headless-cms: update datetime
field (7de5bb0 )
app-headless-cms: update radio-buttons
renderer (9d6e1ac )
app-headless-cms: update select-box
renderer (f56376a )
app-page-builder: remove trailing slashes from domain in settings form (3c47281 )
changed plugin name, error message and brought back try and catch (5a7af7f )
checking results and error reports (aedb6e8 )
created rough template for aws credentials validator plugin (726ab1a )
deleting hot fix comment and namespace statement (7f6a655 )
fixed console.log (8442c12 )
impoting sts from aws and trying to call getCallerIdentity (49e27b9 )
removed interface Module from namespace NodeJS (f6de445 )
replaced try and catch with promise and then to receive sts results (f6a5ef0 )
setting error message with like to webiny aws set up page (9acca4c )
updated console message (74c4a41 )
updated console message, removed comment and deleted aws.js file (9bb00d8 )
api-headless-cms: add support for data manager hooks (61101ff )
publish: lock 3rd party package dependencies before publishing to npm (ef05267 )
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