##Description This plugin provides a middleware that automatic resizes images to arbitary max width, generates responsive dimensions, adds watermark and captions to all locally served images in your html.
Everything is done on the fly allowing you flexibility but at the same time be careful since it will add additional loads on your server (see todo section).
All image copies are saved in your public temp path. Remote file systems are currently untested.
##How it works When request is made plugin check for local images in response HTML. All found images are processed based on settings and then HTML with replaced image paths is sent to the client.
##Configuration Go to Settings -> System -> Image King and edit appropriate settings under all tabs.
There is a special permission for accessing Code200 ImageKing. Check under System > Administrators > Manage Groups > Group "X" > Permissions > Code200 ImageKing
####Exclude certain image from processing You can define exclude class in settings. If you would use default noProcess class then in your blog you could use
##Bug report It is very likely that there will be bugs with some specific html markup. If you encounter such a bug, please report it.
##Future plans
only generate new image if it doesnt exist in temporary folder already- v1.1.0special button under settings allowing to purge temporary folder- v1.1.2- generation of appropriate HTML on blog post save instead on client request
- special button under settings allowing to regenerate all HMTL from blog posts
I would appreciate some help. However please read this before submitting a pull request
- Inspiration and part of the code is based on ResponsiveImages Plugin for October CMS
- Logo was combined from resources from Freepik